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Land Squeeze

Reports & Research
Março, 2024

Land is critical to the lives, livelihoods, and food security of millions of people across the world. But a series of unprecedented pressures on global farmland are now accelerating and converging. This land squeeze is driving a surge in land inequality, rural poverty, and food insecurity – and risking a tipping point for smallholder agriculture.

Exploitation Minière et Foncier Agricole

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2023

Le Code minier du Mali dispose que les ressources souterraines appartiennent à l’État, même s’il s’agit de terres agricoles. Cette disposition consacre le droit souverain de l’État sur les ressources du sous-sol, qui en organise l’accès et l’exploitation. Les autorités doivent largement partager le contenu de cette disposition avec les communautés locales lors du processus d’attribution de titres miniers. L’État doit également faire respecter le mécanisme de surveillance et de contrôle du cahier des charges à cet effet.

Meta-Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of Land Fragmentation in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2023

This study focuses on land fragmentation in Ethiopia, exploring its impact on agricultural productivity and rural development. It proposes strategies for addressing fragmentation through land consolidation. The study employs a robust methodology, including data collection and analysis of  data, along with a meta-analysis of existing reports and studies on land fragmentation. Through these analytical approaches, the study aims to provide empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of land consolidation strategies in Ethiopia.

Gender Variation In Land Use Intensity And Degradation Among Arable Crop Farmers In Southwest, Nigeria: A Mixed Method Study.

Dezembro, 2022

Context and backgroundThe intensive use of land is regarded as the major source of agricultural growth in many developing nations, even though this intensive usage has been seen as one of the most substantial human impacts on the global environment. However, the intensification of agricultural land use has led to many environmental and social challenges.

Du Code Domanial Et Foncier À La Loi Domaniale Et Foncière: La Réalité De La Reconnaissance Des Droits Fonciers Coûtumiers Est-Elle En Cause Au Mali ?

Dezembro, 2022

Context and backgroundIn 2017 Mali developed a law recognizing the customary land rights of local populations called the "Loi sur le Foncier Agricole" (LFA, Farmland Land Law). This law was celebrated by rural populations, particularly farmers, who saw their family farms protected from state monopolization through incorporation into the private real estate domain of the state by means of registration. It was in this euphoria that the Land Law (LDF) was passed in 2020 by ordinance.

How can an agri-environmental scheme be designed for farmland bird protection, and what does it mean for the CAP 2023–2027?

Dezembro, 2022

Biodiversity loss is recognized as a major global threat. The European Commission has addressed this issue with vigour in its current strategy papers. Farmland birds, such as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), whose population has been rapidly declining in Germany, have been particularly affected. To date, the European Union has tried to tackle the problem of biodiversity loss mainly with voluntary agri-environmental schemes (AESs), which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Governance of the Food System in the Mekong Delta, Cambodia: Rice, Fish, Water and NRM

Dezembro, 2022

River, lake, floodplains and farmland produce foods to sustain livelihoods of communities for many generations. Given the increased population and development needs, these food production land-waterscapes have been so-called developed and transformed into specialized and controlled landscapes, claiming at increasing the management and improved productivities. These have induced the disconnection between rivers, floodplains, lakes and farmlands. Policy and institutional frameworks have been attached to these land-waterscapes.

Understanding the role of push and pull factors on agricultural land expansion: A case study of Adaba and Adiyo district, Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2022

Understanding the human-forest relationship is key to sustainable development and forest management. The increase of agricultural land expansion mainly focuses on satisfying the competing interest amongst stakeholders and rural households, which neglects the impact of forest losses. The study looked at rural households' farmland expansion dynamics in Adaba (Oromia Region) and Adiyo, located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region (SNNR) of Ethiopia.

Preparing for, coping with and bouncing back after shocks. A nuanced resilience assessment for smallholder farms and farmers in Northern Ghana

Dezembro, 2022

Smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana regularly face shocks, challenging the
sustainability of their farms and livelihoods. Different farm households and household
members may be differently affected and respond with different coping strategies. We
combined whole-farm modelling and farmer consultations to investigate the
vulnerability, buffer and adaptive capacity of three farm types in Northern Ghana
towards severe climate, economic and social shocks. We further assessed intrahousehold

Innovative agroecological practices can restore degraded farmlands and revive crop yields

Dezembro, 2022

Land degradation is a major obstacle to agricultural development in Africa,
where it’s accentuated by poor agricultural practices and climate change effects.
Restoration of degraded lands is crucial to prevent incursions into virgin and
marginal lands. A field experiment was carried out over a four-year period on
two degraded sites, to assess and compare the effect of the common practices
of: (i) burning crop residues and weeds by resource-poor farmers (T1) and (ii)
burning crop residues and weeds followed with application of manure and/or