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Trouver un juste équilibre entre la satisfaction des besoins de subsistance et la protection de l’environnement

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2011

Les populations vivant aux alentours d’aires protégées doivent développer de nouveaux moyens de subsistance pour assurer leur survie. Les populations riveraines des forêts dépendent souvent de l’utilisation des produits et services que leur offrent les ressources naturelles. L’exploitation de ces produits jadis «gratuits» est aujourd’hui réglementée et limitée, notamment pour des raisons environnementales.

À l’écoute des consommateurs: Adapter les chaînes de valeur du riz africain aux marchés urbains

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2011

En réponse à la crise alimentaire de 2008, le Sénégal a préparé un ambitieux programme d’autosuffisance alimentaire visant à assurer l’intégralité de la consommation nationale de riz avec du riz local d’ici à 2015, essentiellement grâce à des investissements massifs dans les périmètres existants et nouveaux de production de riz dans la Vallée du fleuve Sénégal.

Un gène «étanchéifiant» pourrait protéger le riz de la sécheresse

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2011

Les chercheurs de l’université de Californie font état d’une surprenante découverte: un gène qui «étanchéifie» les plants de riz les protège également de la sécheresse. Le gène Sub1a, naturellement présent dans certaines variétés à faible rendement, en Inde, a été découvert dans les années 1990 à l’Institut international de recherche sur le riz, aux Philippines.

Une algue pour lutter contre le paludisme?

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2011

Une algue rouge vivant dans la mer qui baigne les îles Fidji pourrait contribuer à lutter contre le paludisme. Une équipe de chercheurs américains a découvert que l’algue Callophycus serratus contient des composés chimiques capables de détruire le parasite responsable du paludisme, le Plasmodium falciparum. Cette algue produit diverses substances antimicrobiennes qui semblent agir essentiellement contre les champignons microscopiques.

Benchmarks Database Development: the Badia research site

Reports & Research
Maio, 2011
Western Asia

This report is a documentation of data gathered during the project for the Badia Benchmark, organized in a way to facilitate the on of various disciplines. The purpose is, to facilitate the use of this data for better management of resources during the project and to provide accessible and user friendly database that is suitable for use beyond the project lifetime. It is anticipated that future research and development projects, will build upon this database and continue the documentation to enhance the use of data for the Badia and similar areas.

Aerobic Rice - responding to water scarcity, An impact assessment of the ‘STAR in Asia’ project

Reports & Research
Abril, 2011

Rice, a staple food for over 70% of Asians, is also the single biggest user of water, requiring 2-3 times more input (irrigation plus rain) water per unit of grain produced than crops such as wheat and maize. With growing populations, increased urbanisation and environmental degradation, the supply of fresh water is depleting. Recognising the water constraints to rice yield, the aim of the project entitled ‘Developing a System of Temperate and Tropical Aerobic Rice (STAR) in Asia’ was to develop water-efficient aerobic rice technologies.

G1 Resource profiles, extrapolation domains, and land-use patterns

Abril, 2011
Ásia Meridional

The Ganges Basin Development Challenge (BDC) research program will focus on brackish-water coastal zones in the Ganges Basin, where agricultural lands have a maximum salinity greater than 5 ppt (parts per thousand) in the dry season (salinity is lower in the wet season). The BDC vision of success requires innovations in water governance, improved availability of dry-season water, improved practices for managing salt-affected lands, and intensification and diversification of farm systems.

Regional Law No. 28-Z “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Abril, 2011

This Regional Law sets forth the modalities of allotment in ownership free of charge of plots of land pertaining to public and municipal property to multi-child families, and also establishes minimum and maximum land areas of the aforesaid plots of land. Multi-child family shall be considered family with three or more children less than 18 years of age. The aforesaid plots of land in inhabited areas shall be allotted for housing construction and subsistence family farming. Allotment of the aforesaid plots of land shall be performed once-only.

Rehabilitation and Integrated Management of Dry Rangelands Environments with Water Harvesting

Reports & Research
Março, 2011
Western Asia

The Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region encompasses large areas of arid and semi-arid zones. These zones may be defined as areas where rainfall, relative to the level of evapotranspiration, is inadequate to sustain reliable crop production. Most of the arid and semi-arid zones of the CWANA region are rangelands and are characterized by wide variability in rainfall and temperature. Droughts are common, resulting in low forage production and crop productivity as well as water scarcity.

The Burma-China Pipelines: Human Rights Violations, Applicable Law, and Revenue Secrecy

Reports & Research
Março, 2011

...This briefer focuses on the impacts of two of Burma’s largest energy projects, led
by Chinese, South Korean, and Indian multinational corporations in partnership with the
state-owned Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), Burmese companies, and Burmese
state security forces. The projects are the Shwe Natural Gas Project and the Burma-China
oil transport project, collectively referred to here as the “Burma-China pipelines.” The
pipelines will transport gas from Burma and oil from the Middle East and Africa across