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The benefits of pastoralism for biodiversity and the climate

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2022

Livestock can be good for the environment. It depends on which livestock, where. Pastoralism – the system of often mobile, extensive livestock production on rangelands – can improve biodiversity, help sequester carbon and protect the environment. In the face of simplistic anti-livestock narratives, it is important to recognise the role of pastoral systems and pastoralists in addressing the linked crises of climate and biodiversity.

Why tree planting in rangelands can be bad for biodiversity and the climate

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2022

Huge global targets for tree planting are being set; everyone is urged to plant a tree to save the planet. But does this always make sense, particularly in rangelands where pastoralists live? Discussions in the run up to the UN’s COP15 conference on biodiversity have focused on tree planting as a way to combat desertification, improve biodiversity and address climate change through ‘carbon offset’ schemes. Many of these initiatives are deeply problematic, yet have targeted over one billion hectares of rangelands across the worldi .

Enhancing biodiversity through livestock keeping

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2022

Extensive livestock use can enhance biodiversity and support species conservation in multiple ways. Mobile pastoral systems can create bio-corridors through transhumance routes and disperse seeds, enhancing biodiversity across landscapes, for example. Mobile livestock also create fertile hotspots across rangelands, and livestock grazing is essential in reducing fire loads in vulnerable ecosystems.

Going up in smoke: how livestock keeping can reduce wildfires

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2022

In recent years there have been devastating wildfires across the world. Wildfire incidence is increasing with climate change, and wildfires are predicted to increase by 50% by the end of the centuryi . Such intense, uncontrolled wildfires are massively damaging to environments and to people, involving multiple deaths – including among firefighters - and widespread destruction of property.

Rewilding and ecosystem restoration: what is natural?

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2022

Debates about the role of livestock in wider landscapes have come into sharp focus around the idea of ‘rewilding’, linked to plans for ‘ecosystem restoration’. Rewilding Britain defines rewilding as “the large-scale restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature is allowed to take care of itself. Rewilding seeks to reinstate natural processes and, where appropriate, missing speciesi .” The big question, though, is: what is ‘natural’ and what is defined as ‘missing’, over what timescale?

Collaborative conservation: pastoralists as conservationists

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2022

Pastoralists and other livestock keepers are too often pitted against conservationists. Parks are sometimes created to keep livestock and people out, and there are frequent stories in the media about pastoralists invading conservation areas during drought, sometimes resulting in conflict and violence. Pastoralism is of course not compatible with a style of conservation that encloses and excludes, but extensive livestock-keeping can be central to more people-centred conservation approaches. 

Élevages au pâturage et développement durable des territoires méditerranéens et tropicaux

Peer-reviewed publication
Julho, 2022

Pourtant, ces élevages ont été longtemps en marge des efforts d’investissement en agriculture. Ils disposent cependant d’atouts indéniables pour répondre à ces ODD en interaction avec d’autres formes d’élevage présentes dans les territoires. Mais ils font face aussi à un ensemble de contraintes qui remettent en question leur pérennité.

La synthèse interdisciplinaire présentée ici vise à répondre à trois questions essentielles :

Comment utiliser la démarche champ-école pour accompagner les transitions agroécologiques des agricultures familiales des pays du Sud?

Reports & Research
Março, 2022
Burkina Faso

Recommandations pour les facilitateur.rice.s des champs-écoles, concepteur.rice.s et responsables de projet de développement agricole

Le champ-école est une démarche participative de formation et de conseil, basée sur l’expérimentation collective de systèmes de culture innovants. La mise en œuvre des champs-écoles permet aux agriculteur·rice·s de mener des activités (formation au champ par l’observation des cultures, du sol, des déprédateurs; expérimentation; partage de connaissances et de savoir-faire) leur donnant les moyens de «résoudre les problèmes par eux-mêmes».

Livestock, methane and climate change: the politics of global assessments

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2022

The relationship between livestock production and climate change is the subject of hot debate, with arguments for major shifts in diets and a reduction in livestockproduction. This Perspective examines how global assessments of livestock-derived methane emissions are framed, identifying assumptions and data gaps that influence standard life-cycle analysis approaches.

Accompagner la transition agroécologique avec les organisations paysannes

Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2022

Au Sénégal, où 80 % de la production est fournie par les petites exploitations agricoles, l’agriculture et l’élevage constituent les principaux secteurs d’activité économique du pays. Or, le Sénégal est très vulnérable au changement climatique, à la dégradation des sols et à l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, et bien que développant des stratégies d’adaptation en vue de renforcer leur résilience individuelle et sociale, les agriculteurs sont durement touchés par l’ensemble de ces facteurs.

From Land Degradation to Land Restoration

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2021
Western Africa

Key Messages and Recommendations

• Combating desertification and land degradation while mitigating the effects of drought can secure long-term socio-economic benefits for people living in drylands and reduce their vulnerability to climate change.

• Land degradation neutrality (LDN) is an approach that counterbalances the expected loss of productive land with the recovery of degraded areas.

• Land tenure insecurity, especially for women, often prevents farmers from adopting sustainable land management practices

Modeling Cultural Keystone Species for the Conservation of Biocultural Diversity in the Afroalpine

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2021

Climate warming threatens the future sustainability of mountains, and tropical mountains are particularly threatened with loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. Conservation biologists increasingly turn to habitat suitability models to guide the establishment and assessment of protected area networks to protect the highest number of species, yet this focus often neglects the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the people living around protected areas.