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Zwangsumsiedlung für Staudammbau in Burma

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2001

Für den Energieexport nach Thailand will Burmas Militärregierung einen Großstaudamm bauen, für den Tausende Angehörige der Shan umgesiedelt werden sollen. Der Tasang Staudamm soll am Fluss Salween im zentralen Shan Bundesstaat entstehen. Teile des Gebietes sind bereits entvölkert.
Überblick der Geselschaft für bedrohte Völker über die Pläne zum Bau des Tasang-Staudamms und die Konsequenzen für die einheimische Bevölkerung und die Umwelt.
key words: Tasang-dam, forced relocation, consequences for local population, environmen

El mercado de tierras en México

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembro, 2001

El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general estudiar el mercado de tierras a partir de las reformas al Artículo 27 de la Constitución Política de México, así como el desarrollo del marco jurídico e institucional que sustenta los cambios en la tenencia de la tierra ejidal.
En este sentido, se mantiene una línea de continuidad con el análisis de estudios de caso propiciados por la FAO a principios de la década y en los cuales se tratan con detalle las transacciones informales de tierras.

Using local practices and records to secure individual tenure rights in common property situations

Conference Papers & Reports
Outubro, 2001
África do Sul

The paper asserts that in order to be effective it is important to work with and from existing tenure systems and to build upon them, rather than expect that they can be “demolished and replaced by efficient new systems”.  Experience both here and elsewhere in Africa also tells us that attempts to change tenure tend to result in a “defaulting” back to what is known, often with increased confusion and conflict over procedures and adjudication authorities.

Using local practices and records to secure individual tenure rights in common property situations

Conference Papers & Reports
Outubro, 2001
África do Sul

Communal tenure in South Africa has had rises and falls in favour. This section will look at the issue from a pragmatic perspective of choice. This involves assessing what issues inform whether South Africa can chose either to replace or to ignore communal tenure by analysing what is likely to remain the same politically, socially and economically for the foreseeable future and what the forces are changing this situation. This assessment then allows us to assert some practical, general principles that inform the two projects with which this paper is concerned. 

Flight, Hunger and Survival: Repression and Displacement in the Villages of Papun and Nyaunglebin Districts

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2001

This report documents in detail the plight of villagers and the internally displaced in these two
northern Karen regions. Since 1997 the SPDC has destroyed or relocated over 200 villages here,
forcing tens of thousands of villagers to flee into hiding in the hills where they are now being
hunted down and shot on sight by close to 50 SPDC Army battalions. The troops are now
systematically destroying crops, food supplies and farmfields to flush the villagers out of the hills,

Look before you leap

Conference Papers & Reports
Setembro, 2001
África do Sul

This paper argues that the focus in the community based natural resource management (CBNRM) literature on the devolution and decentralisation of state authority and responsibility over natural resources to communities does not pay sufficient attention to the role of the state in creating and maintaining a coherent institutional environment.

Land Mali Umma

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2001

For a long time the issue of land and related problems has been debated mostly by academicians, politicians and professionals. Although the problem has remained more or less one of the most talked of in Kenya, the public has very often been left out of the debate. Again mostly the debate has been dominated more by complaining about either the lack of policy or the bad land policies and laws and the failure by successive governments to correct those problems.

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2000: Internally Displaced People and Forced Relocation

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2001

The plight of Internally Displaced People, or IDPs, in Burma was a continuing problem over the year 2000. Burma contributes
over an estimated 1 million IDPs to the estimated world IDP population of 21 million and estimated Asian IDP population of 5
million. (The CIDKP put the IDP number at 2 million in 2000.) Internally displaced persons in Burma live under conditions of
severe deprivation and hardship. All but few of these people are without adequate access to food or basic social, health and

La estructura agraria y el campesinado en El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2001
El Salvador

El sector rural y agropecuario de Guatemala, Honduras y El
Salvador sigue manteniendo diferencias marcadas entre un subsector moderno y muy
tecnificado y otro, más numeroso, con baja eficiencia en el aprovechamiento de
los recursos. Este contraste provoca una incapacidad para cubrir las necesidades
en alimentos de la población, acelera el ritmo de degradación de los recursos
naturales, genera desempleo y eleva los indicadores de pobreza rural.
En la estructura agraria de estos países se observa aún una

Land Tenure, Title Deeds, and Farm Productivity in the Southern Province of Zambia

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2001

This study relates to an on-going debate as to whether customary African land tenure must be reformed or converted to a statutory, individualised land tenure system (often referred to as a ‘titled’ system) as a pre-requisite to agricultural development. Past arguments in favour of titling claim that traditional tenure is insecure for the small farmer and thus creates disincentives for land improvements; that it prevents land from being used as collateral for credit; and that it prevents the transfer of land from inefficient users to efficient ones.

Sustainable livehoods in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Maio, 2001

The concept of use and benefit from natural resources for local communities in Mozambique occupies a central position in the formal government vision for rural development and has been given prominence in the policies that govern access to land use rights and forest and wildlife resources. There are constitutional guarantees that recognise rights to land that have been acquired through occupation or inheritance through customary systems of allocation, and enabling legislation that permits the registration of these hitherto ‘informal’ rights.