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"We are feeling safe about our land now" GIZ Land Program Laos: Assessing the contribution to changes in land use, investments in land and perceived tenure security

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2017

For the past decade, GIZ has supported participatory land use planning, land registration and land titling as a vehicle for sustainable rural development in Lao PDR. Following a number of predecessor programmes, the current Land Program (including Land Management and Decentralized Planning (LMDP) and Enhanced Land Tenure Security (ELTeS) projects) is active in the provinces of Luang Namtha, Sayabouri, Huaphan and Khammouane. This impact study focussed on some of the intermediary and longer-term changes that GIZ’s work in the land sector has been aiming to bring about in Laos.

Participación política de las mujeres en condición de desplazamiento en el consejo comunitario de "La Mamuncia" (Vereda Cacahual) en el municipio de López de Micay

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2017

Esta investigación analiza desde el ámbito sociocultural la participación política de las mujeres en condición de desplazamiento en el Consejo Comunitario La Mamuncia (Vereda El Cacahual) del municipio de López de Micay-Cauca, territorio en el cual se encuentran concentradas diferentes familias afrocaucanas que carecen de empleo, educación, seguridad alimentaria y salud, además de ser víctimas de la violencia por parte de los grupos armados.

Paloma Vidal: uma reflexão sobre a literatura multiterritorializada em mais ao Sul

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2017

Nesta pesquisa, tem-se como objetivo analisar as narrativas do livro Mais ao Sul (2008) de Paloma Vidal – corpus deste trabalho. Nesse sentido, pretende-se investigar a produção literária da autora em histórias que se constituem por deslocamentos sociais, culturais, linguísticos e subjetivos, construindo, assim, uma obra literária marcada pelo processo migratório.

Impact of large scale investments on the livelihoods of smallholder farming communities : the cases of green fuels and Tongaat Hullett Zimbabwe

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017
Sub-Saharan Africa

The impacts of large-scale agricultural investments on rural communities’ land ownership, food security, productivity, income, and access to education and health differ within and between communities depending on business and government influence. Recent examples of large-scale investment models are dependent on the legal landscape in the investor’s country of origin, the investor-community linkages, and the nature of partnership with governments.

Ley Nº 30711 - Ley que establece medidas complementarias para la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal.

Dezembro, 2017

La presente Ley establece medidas complementarias para la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y otorga nuevas facultades al Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI), con la finalidad de permitir que la población de menores recursos económicos acceda a la formalización de sus predios, mediante mecanismos técnicos y legales de carácter simplificado y en menores plazos.El COFOPRI, a pedido de las municipalidades, diseña, implementa, gestiona y ejecuta de forma directa, las actividades catastrales de levantamiento y/o actualización catastral urbana dentro de la juris

La ciudad en la encrucijada neoliberal. Urbanismo mercado-céntrico y desigualdad socio-espacial en América Latina

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2017
América Latina e Caribe

Resumen A la luz de los aportes de numerosos investigadores, me propongo debatir en este artículo, lo que en auge se viene denominando como la ciudad neoliberal. Una ciudad remozada y remodelada, pensada y rediseñada por y para el mercado, donde los proyectos estratégicos como pensamiento único, redefinen el sentido de lo urbano. Los cambios en los procesos sociales, políticos, y económicos quedan objetivados en el espacio, acompañado por un pragmatismo arquitectónico que produce y recrea nuevas materialidades urbanísticas, residenciales, comerciales, de ocio con carácter más clasista.

Rural Land Management in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2017

Based on a theoretical discussion from global perspective the paper describes present rural land administration and management structure in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a land scarce country with high-density population. As most of the people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture and allied activities, proper rural land management is crucial. The paper presents an overall view of rural land management in Bangladesh and reveals that the current land management system is almost obsolete. Land administration system is conventional and characterised by inefficiency and corruption.

Unpacking Indonesia’s independent oil palm smallholders: An actor-disaggregated approach to identifying environmental and social performance challenges

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2017

Processes of globalization have generated new opportunities for smallholders to participate in profitable global agro-commodity markets. This participation however is increasingly being shaped by differentiated capabilities to comply with emerging public and private quality and safety standards. The dynamics within Indonesia’s oil palm sector illustrate well the types of competitive challenges smallholders face in their integration into global agro-commodity chains.

Shifting patterns of oil palm driven deforestation in Indonesia and implications for zero-deforestation commitments

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2017

Oil palm plantations in Indonesia have been linked to substantial deforestation in the 1990s and 2000s, though recent studies suggest that new plantations are increasingly developed on non-forest land. Without nationwide data to establish recent baseline trends, the impact of commitments to eliminate deforestation from palm oil supply chains could therefore be overestimated. We examine the area and proportion of plantations replacing forests across Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua up to 2015, and map biophysically suitable areas for future deforestation-free expansion.

Community Land Regulations (LN No. 279 of 2018).

Novembro, 2017

These Regulations of the Cabinet Secretary for Land and Physical Planning implement provisions of the Community Land Act, 2016 ("Act") with respect to, among other things, recognition, protection and registration of community land rights, community land management committees, registration of communities, conversion of community land, settlement of disputes relating to community land, conversion of group representatives, a national programme for public education and awareness on provisions of the Act and the rights of communities over community land, and the preparation of Community Rules an

Community Land Conflicts: How Local Land Disputes Affect Private Sector Investments and Development Projects

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2017

This report provides information on due diligence and effective conflict management through consultation in the context of community land conflicts. It identifies some key steps to follow to integrate community land conflict into enhanced project risk assessments.