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Why Population Plays a Role in Food Security

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2011

Almost one in seven people around the world are chronically hungry, lacking enough food to be healthy and lead active lives. This is despite the fact that enough food exists for all of the world’s people.1 Agricultural policies, the prices of certain food commodities such as meat and grain and economic development hugely impact food security, but demographic trends also play a role.

Forest Conflict in Asia and the Role of Collective Action in its Management

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

Forest conflict in Asia is on the rise as various stakeholders have different views about and interests in the management of increasingly scarce resources. Unfortunately, in many instances, local communities and indigenous peoples suffer the most when such conflicts play out. Focusing on how rights (or a lack thereof) instigate conflict and how collective action plays a role in conflict management, this paper examines eight cases from six countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam.

Land is Life, Land is Power”: Landlessness, Exclusion, and Deprivation in Nepal

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2011

This Report presents the findings of this research effort. A comprehensive consideration of the many aspects of land ownership in Nepal, including the related issues of agricultural development, the impact of nonstate actors in newly-formed special economic zones, and the claims of landlords returning to land seized during the Maoist conflict is beyond the scope of this project. The Report and study focused on documenting the impact that inadequate access to land has on the human rights of landless people, including rights to housing, food, water, work, and access to justice.

Burma Army Kills Villager and Burns Homes While 3000 Flee Ongoing Attacks in Kachin State

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2011

The Burma Army has killed a villager and over 20 villages have fled attacks and mortar fire in Momauk Township, Kachin State. Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 73 under Division 88 has been attacking villages, with troops from Divisions 33, 44, 66 also entering the area. At least 400 Burma Army soldiers have been involved in the attacks, using 120mm and 60mm mortars and machine guns. Fighting in the area has increased and the Burma Army is building at least four new camps, using forced labor. Over 3,000 people have been displaced.

Action Research Results: ACTS Course Graduates 2011

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2011

This publications showcases final short papers from 2011 graduates of CPCS’ Applied Conflict Transformation Master’s Course that we offer in cooperation with the Pannasastra University in Phnom Penh..."....."....In the following chapters an array of issues are tackled resulting in a colourful collection of insight and analyses. Chapter 1 situates the works through a detailed introduction to the ACTS course, and a discussion of the effectiveness of action learning to build the capacity of peace practitioners in the region.

Stop Damming the Chindwin (Burmese, English, Kuki)

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2011

The Burmese military government, together with
the government of India, is planning to build a giant
hydroelectric dam near Tamanthi on the Chindwin River
in northwest Burma’s Sagaing Division. The dam’s fl ood
reservoir will be almost 1,400 sq km, the size of Delhi, and
will permanently displace over 45,000 people, including
the entire town of Khamti. Already over 2,400 people have
been relocated at gunpoint from the dam site, without fair
The Tamanthi dam will adversely affect the biodiversity

Identification of Good Practices in Land Conflict Resolution in Acholi

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2011

Research conducted under the UN Peacebuilding Programme in Acholi where land conflicts have increased after the peace agreement. Involved community members and statutory and traditional leaders. Examined existing practices for the sustainable transformation of land related conflict. Revealed efficacy of existing community level mechanisms in effectively resolving land disputes. Need to resolve the legal status of local councils.

Troops raze Kachin villages, locals flee

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2011

Burmese troops burned down around 50 homes in a village in eastern Kachin state two days ago as they prepare for an offensive against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), despite assertions from fleeing residents that no rebels inhabit the village.

In response, the KIA has told locals living in areas close to the town of Waingmaw to leave, prompting some 3,000 people to join those who fled the razed Aungja village as they make for the border with China.

The Role of Religious and Traditional Institutions during Conflict and in Peacebuilding

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2011

The Conflict in Liberia and subsequent trarnsitional justice process through means of a truth and reconciliation commission provide a unique opportunity to examine how the exploitation of religious and traditional identities/institutions became a means to fuel and perpetuate the conflict. Likewise, it also offers an example of how the strength and credibility of a religious community can be instrumental in facilitating formal peace processes.

Identification of Good Practices in Land Conflict Resolution in Acholi

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2011

Conflict associated with land has increased substantially following the return of peace to the Acholi Region with the return of internally displaced people (IDP), population growth, and increases in the value of land. The area is heavily dependent on agriculture and conflict related to land access seriously threatens to undermine development and the social, political and economic stability of the Acholi Region. This study involved community members, key informants, and statutory and traditional leaders in three sub counties in each of the seven Acholi districts.

Two Decades of Community Forestry in Nepal: What Have We Learned?

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2011

Development projects conceived now are rarely expected to have a life of more than five years, perhaps ten years at most. Looking back over more than twenty years of project experience in community forestry - itself grounded on an integrated development project of a similar time span - is thus a rare opportunity. The project has sought to promote social change in favor of the poor and disadvantaged, and it was recognized both by those involved in the project and by independent evaluators that this is not rapidly achieved

Toungoo Situation Update: May to July 2011

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2011

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in August 2011 by a villager describing events occurring in Toungoo District between May and July 2011. It describes a series of trade and movement restrictions imposed on villagers in June and July 2011, due to frequent clashes between Tatmadaw and non-state armed groups, and road closures between Toungoo Town and Buh Sah Kee.