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Mécanismes de réaction rapide - Aider à la résolution des conflits liés aux investissements fonciers entre les communautés et les investisseurs

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
Setembro, 2024

Souvent, les approches des violations des droits fonciers liées aux investissements sont réactives, plutôt que proactives et préventives : l’assistance juridique est généralement fournie après que les communautés ont été affectées, déplacées ou expulsées – et après que des vies ont été perdues, des biens détruits, des eaux et des sols pollués, et des communautés dévastées.

Benin -Country Forest Note

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Agosto, 2024

Country Forest Notes (CFNs) are a centerpiece of the World Bank Group’s Forest Action Plan (FY16–20) and Climate Change Action Plan (2016–2020). They provide a thorough assessment of the current status of forests, the forestry sector, and the investment needs to sustainably manage this valuable renewable natural resource.

LAND-at-scale Exchange 2024 Summary Report

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
Julho, 2024
Burkina Faso

After two years of organizing the LAND-at-scale Exchange in Utrecht, the third LAND-at-scale exchange took place from June 9th to June 13th in Uganda, hosted by LAS partner UN-Habitat/ Global Land Tool Network. Nearly 60 LAS country and knowledge partners came together in Kampala to exchange lessons learned and explore common challenges.

El blanqueo ecológico en la Amazonía

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Junho, 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Este informe examina cómo las políticas de gestión de riesgos ambientales y sociales (ESRM, por sus siglas en inglés) de los principales bancos que financian la extracción de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía no abordan plenamente los impactos adversos de su financiamiento en las personas y la naturaleza.

Rapport de la FAO: La production mondiale des pêches et de l’aquaculture atteint un nouveau record

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2024
Costa Rica

La production halieutique et aquacole mondiale a atteint un niveau sans précédent, la production d’animaux aquatiques issue de l’aquaculture dépassant pour la première fois celle de la pêche de capture, selon un nouveau rapport de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) publié aujourd’hui. 

Enhancing the Role of Civil Society Platform in Africa: Land Policy Implementation in Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Maio, 2024
The session explored the significant contributions of the Civil Society Platform (CSP) in promoting effective land policy implementation across Africa. The forum began with an overview of the CSP’s achievements, presented by the Chair, highlighting the platform’s role in advocating for inclusive and transparent land governance.

Scaling Up Multi-Actor Partnerships to Enable Long Lasting Impacts of Inclusive Land Reforms

LandLibrary Resource
Maio, 2024
The session explored the critical role of multi-actor partnerships in fostering inclusive and sustainable land reforms, with a focus on how successful experiences can be effectively scaled across different contexts. It examined the dynamics of multi-stakeholder collaborations at various levels—national, regional, and global—emphasizing the need for coordination to maximize long-lasting impacts.

Integrating Land Tenure Into Sustainable Land Management: National Multistakeholder Consultations

LandLibrary Resource
Maio, 2024
The session highlighted the importance of integrating land tenure into sustainable land management as a means to achieve effective land restoration and land degradation neutrality (LDN). Participants emphasized that secure land tenure is fundamental to encouraging land users to invest in sustainable practices, as it provides them with the assurance of benefiting from the returns on their efforts.