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Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance, 1982 (Ordinance No. II of 1982).

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Meridional

The Ordinance provides for the acquisition and requisition of immovable property to be destined to public purposes in the public interest. Acquisition shall be communicated by means of a notice affixed in convenient locations in order to inform of the intent of acquiring that property.

Land Act.

LandLibrary Resource

This Act provides for recognition and protection of titles in land, administration of land, use of land for public purposes, the land court and adjudication and various other matters relating to land.The Act consists of 170 sections divided into 10 Parts: General (I); Administration (II); Hereditary estates (III); Tax and town allotments (IV); Tongan leases (V); Mortgages (VI); The Foreshore (V

Council Regulation (EC) No. 1017/94 concerning the conversion of land currently under arable crops to extensive livestock farming in Portugal.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Oriental
Europa Setentrional

Portugal is hereby authorized for a period of eight years to carry out in the regions referred to in the Annex attached a programme for the conversion of land currently under arable crops to extensive livestock production, up to a maximum of 200 000 hectares. To this end, Portugal shall be allotted a specific autonomous national reserve.

Presidential Decree No. of 1992 regarding the modalities of sale of housing premises, plots of land and municipal property for vouchers.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Oriental

The President, for the purpose of increasing the amount of state and municipal property to be sold for vouchers, decrees that vouchers can be used for the purchase of the plots of land in accordance with the established modalities.

Presidential Decree No. 342 regarding allocation of 50 thousand hectares of lands for personal subsidiary farm of the citizens for increasing production of agricultural commodities.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Central

The President, for the purpose of increasing production of agricultural commodities, decrees that the Committee on land resources attached to the Government together with Hukumats of the regions, towns and districts should allocate to citizens till February 1, 1996, 50 thousand hectares of irrigated and dry arable lands for personal farms (without the right to build houses and other establishme

Padi Cultivators (Control of Rent and Security of Tenure) Act, 1967 (No. 528)

LandLibrary Resource
Sudeste Asiático

The present Act makes provisions in matter of tenure of lands intended for padi cultivation, with a view to controlling related rent and security of tenure. Sections 3 to 10 lay down rules concerning tenancy agreements by which a landlord agrees to let and a tenant agrees to take any padi land for the purpose of cultivating padi.

Regional Act No. 8 laying down provisions in matter of soil protection and implementing Act No. 183 of 18 May 1989 and subsequent amendments.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

The present Regional Act aims at the conservation and protection of soil against all negative natural and anthropic agents, at the maintenance of water resources and at the ecosystem preservation, in compliance with the general principles laid down at the national level in Act No. 183 of 18 May 1989. Article 1 contains the list of basins of regional interest to be protected.

Land Appeal Board Act (Act No. 24 of 1989).

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Meridional

As soon as possible after the commencement of this Act the Government shall by notification in the Official Gazette establish a Board called the Land Appeal Board. The Board shall consist of one Chairman and not more than two other members. The Chairman and the other members of the Board shall be appointed by the Government.

Land Reform Board Act,1989.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Meridional

This Act makes provision for the establishment of a Land Reform Board to determine the implementation of the land reform program and a just land legislation. The Board shall consist of a Chairman and not more than two other members. The Chairman and the other members of the Board shall be appointed by the Government, and the conditions of their service shall be determined by the Government.