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Valuation for Rating Act.

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

This Act imposes a duty on local authorities to cause a valuation to be made of every rateable property within the area of the local authority in respect of which a rate on the value of land is imposed. This shall be done at least once in every five years or such longer period as the Minister may approve.

Ley de Urbanismo y Construcción.

LandLibrary Resource
El Salvador
América Central

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo general relativo a la política nacional de vivienda y desarrollo urbano. El Viceministerio de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano se encargará de elaborar los planes nacionales y regionales a que deben sujetarse las urbanizaciones, parcelaciones y construcciones en todo el territorio de la República.

Law on subsidy for natural disasters.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Ocidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to subsidies in case of natural disasters. According to article 1, if inhabitants of the Canton sustain a damage resulting from natural disasters - such as inondations, avalanches, earthquake, landslides, storm, and lightning – they are entitled to obtain a subsidy from the Canton.

Expropriation Law.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Ocidental

The present Act lays down provisions relating to the expropriation of land. Article 1 establishes that the right to property is guaranteed. Nevertheless, the Canton may acquire land or objects - if it is in the interest of the public - by means of expropriation. Article 2 lists the cases in which the competent authority may initiate expropriation proceedings.

Railway Land Act.

LandLibrary Resource
África austral

This Act vests specified land in the National Railways of Zimbabwe for railway purposes. If at any time the Company or its successor ceases to hold for railway purposes any portion of either of the said areas, the President may give notice to the Company or its successor to re-transfer according to law within a given time the whole or part of the land.

Townships Act (Chapter 40:02).

LandLibrary Resource
África austral

This Act makes provision for local administration in Botswana by giving the power to the Minister to create townships and cities and to provide for administration of such areas and powers and duties of city and town councils and other public bodies.

Land Survey Act (Chapter 33:01).

LandLibrary Resource
África austral

This Act provides rules for the survey of land in Botswana and makes provision for the appointment of the Director of Surveys and Lands, for the establishment of the Land Surveyors' Board and for the recognition of land surveyors and the control of their activities.

Ordonnance-loi nº 69-006 relative à la contribution réelle.

LandLibrary Resource
República Democrática do Congo
África Central

La présente ordonnance-loi porte règlementation de la contribution sur la superficie des propriétés foncières bâties et non bâties, ou contribution foncière, qui constitue une des bases de la contribution réelle, les deux autres étant les véhicules et la superficie des concessions minières et d'hydrocarbures.

Land Control Karachi Division Act, 1952.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Meridional

This Act prohibits the occupation of certain lands, and the building of structures on these without obtaining previous permission by the Authorized Officer. The Provincial Government shall declare these lands to be controlled areas for the purposes of this Act. Offences and penalties are provided for in the Act.

State Lands Act (Chapter 314).

LandLibrary Resource
Sudeste Asiático

This Act regulates the alienation, use of and control over State land. The President shall appoint a Chief Valuer to carry out the valuation of all State lands, of lands managed for or on behalf of the Government, etc. A Commissioner of Lands shall be appointed by the Minister for the general administration of the Act (sect. 2D).