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The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has the power to designate areas as environmentally sensitive areas where it appears to it particularly desirable to conserve, protect or enhance environmental features in those areas by the maintenance or adoption of particular agricultural…


Article 1 authorizes to make the following amendments to the Federal Law on state registration of immovable property and its transactions: (1) Item 3 of article 7 is supplemented with the following paragraph: "President of State Auditors’ Department, his deputies and auditors of State…


The President, for the purpose of maintenance of realization of the property rights on ground of the citizens, legal persons and state, acceleration of becoming and effective regulation of the market of grounds of the occupied items, other grounds of not agricultural assignment, engaging of the…

The Premier decrees to validate the form of the Model Contract on lease of land. The form is attached to the Ministerial Decree.


The President, for the purpose of carrying out common state land policy and ensuring rational land tenure and protection of land, decrees to set up united system of the state bodies on land resources within the State Committee on Land resources and Regional Committees on Land Resources and…


Le présent décret ajoute à la liste des membres du conseil national de la montagne, institué par l'article 6 de la loi n° 85-30 du 9 janvier 1985 relative au développement et à la protection de la montagne, un représentant des associations nationales de la filière bois.


Le présent décret porte modification des articles R. 4433-3 et R. 4433-15 du code général des collectivités territoriales, en ce qui concerne les schémas d'aménagement régionaux.


The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. Federal Geodetic and Cartographic Service (ROSKARTOGRAFIJA) is Federal Executive Body entitled with special functions (executive, control, supervision, authorizing, regulating and so on) in the field of geodetic and cartographic activity and…


These Regulations implement, in relation to projects for the use of uncultivated land and semi-natural areas in Northern Ireland for intensive agricultural purposes, Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment and…


The Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council shall carry out research regarding aspects of the environment, town and country planning and nature conservation and restoration in the Netherlands. The Council may submit policy proposals to the Minister of Agriculture,…


Il est créé une Direction de la Prospective et des Etudes d'Urbanisme placée sous l'autorité du Conseiller de Gouvernement pour les Travaux Publics et les Affaires Sociales. Cette Direction est chargée: - de réfléchir sur le développement urbanistique de la Principauté et de proposer…


This amendment of the Fertilizing Substances Act concerns some practical improvements so as to take away obstacles to the merger of pig breeding enterprises in relation with allocation of fertilizer production quotas.
Amends: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal…