A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
This document analyzes the responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources in South East Asia. It exposes common, regional challenges and identifies ways forward in order to improve governance in land management and administration.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Germany, IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Finland, GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), UN-Habitat, World Bank and UNDP, and IPC (International NGO/CSO Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty),…
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 11. Cette publication conjointe entre la FAO et UN-HABITAT cherche à améliorer et à mieux définir les processus, mécanismes et institutions de gouvernance foncières dans les zones rurales et urbaines. Ce document, tout en soulignant l’excellence des…
CPWF Mekong Project 5 is divided into two components, the first relating to coordination, and the second to the development, management and maintenance of multiple stakeholder platforms.
The Basin Leader leads this project team, which is responsible for coherence of the…
This project is about livelihoods, and how they can be improved through reservoir management for multiple uses and users.It is about developing strategies for optimizing the benefits of WSI and increasing the ways in which water can be utilized for the benefit of the poor.
This project…
The Mekong Basin Focal Project aims were to assess water use, water productivity and
water poverty in the basin, and analyse the opportunities and risks of change in water
management that influences water poverty.
The main issue facing the Lower Mekong is not water availability…
This project is about assessing the value of water in its various uses.It includes an assessment of water needs for major water uses and features the application of quantitative and qualitative valuation techniques to estimate costs and benefits associated with different water management…
The CPWF-supported project ‘Models for implementing multiple-use water supply
systems for enhanced land and water productivity, rural livelihoods and gender equity’
(‘CPWF-MUS’) innovated, tested, and documented homestead-scale and communityscale
models for Multiple Use water…
This Medium Term Plan (MTP) is written as the CPWF transitions from its first Phase (2004?
2008) to its second Phase (2009?2013). It describes the status of the CPWF as the newly
established Board discusses and approves plans for this second Phase. At the time of writing three of six…
This Decree, consisting of 53 articles divided into eight Parts, regulates State Land Lease or Concession. It determines the principles, procedures, and measures regarding granting of state land for lease or concession with the aim to ensure the uniform management and use throughout the country…
Vietnam has become a hub for processing huge quantities of unlawfully-logged timber from across Indochina, threatening some of the last intact forests in the region, a major new report reveals. Much of the illegally-imported wood is made into furniture for export to consumer markets in Europe…