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Displaying 457 - 468 of 1305
Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio 2011

Ownership and control over assets such as land and housing provide direct and indirect benefits to individuals and households, including a secure place to live, the means of a livelihood, protection during emergencies, and collateral for credit that can be used for investment or consumption.…

Conference Papers & Reports
Maio 2011

Le Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) vise a? l’ame?lioration de la gestion de l'eau afin de se?curiser et d’accroi?tre la production alimentaire. Pendant sa premie?re phase, un projet "petits re?servoirs" (<a href="…

Março 2011

In this interview, Augustine Ayantunde from ILRI introduced an ILRI-led project on 'integrated management of rainwater in mixed crop-livestock integrated systems' (in the Volta river basin). The project aims to evaluate and test best fit rainwater management strategies in Ghana and…

Conference Papers & Reports
Março 2011

The  consultation  workshop  with  Burkinabe  key  stakeholders  for  the  V1  Project  within  the   Challenge  Program  on  Water  and  Food  (CPWF)  of  the  Volta  Basin  took  place  from  14  to  15   March  2011  in  Ouagadougou.  The  meeting  room  of  the  DIST  in  CNRST  was  booked…

Reports & Research
Fevereiro 2011

 This Synthesis Report is a synopsis of the outcomes of the regional assessment reports, which were based on studies and subsequent consultations in five regions of Africa. These reports show that some land related issues are common to all regions in the continent while others are region…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2010

Use-value or performance: Towards a better understanding of small reservoirs in sub- Saharan Africa
Small reservoirs are a reality of rural sub-Saharan Africa. They trigger technical and institutional innovations, appear to be in high demand among local communities, and remain popular on…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2010

The Atankwidi Catchment, which lies in the White Volta Basin in West Africa, is intensively cultivated by locals for economic gains. During dry seasons, farmers irrigate their crops, chiefly tomatoes, using shallow groundwater harvested from shallow ponds they dig using simple tools like an axe…