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This Regional Law establishes the particulars of turnover of agricultural land. It shall be applicable to agricultural land plots and land share in common property. It shall not be applicable plots of agricultural land allocated to citizens for subsidiary smallholding, horticulture, gardening…


This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of protection, management and reproduction of urban forests with a view of creation of favourable environment for the population. The role of urban forests shall be as follows: (a) recreational, ecological, aesthetic, sanitary and other…


This Regional Law regulates relations concerning the modalities of application of land public servitudes irrespectively of appurtenance of land plot to a specific land category. Public land servitude shall be applicable for the following purposes: (a) passage transit through land plot; (b) use…


This Regional Law regulates relations concerning tenure and conservation of land. Natural and legal persons shall have equal access to purchase in ownership of the plots of land. Local government shall have municipal property related to the following categories of land: (a) recognized as…


Article 7 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Possessor (legal holder) of rights to land or his legal representative at their request shall be issued certificate of the state body that registered rights to land or other documents attesting transactions with land”.


Article 6 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Maps and plans that constitute the basis of cadaster shall be subject to periodic renewal no less than once in ten years”.
Amends: Federal Law No. 221-FZ on state cadastre of immovable property. (2007-07-24)


Article 11 shall be amended to add the following wording: “In case of redistribution of land and land plot the existence of the initial land plot shall ceases and land shall be consolidated in the form of a new land plot”.
Amends: Land Code (No. 136-FZ of 2001). (2001-10-25)


Article 17 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Cadastre registration or insertion in the state cadastre of immovable property of data submitted to the body of cadastre registration as a form of information cooperation between state bodies and also in case of reception of the land-use…


This Regional Law regulates relations originating the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage of the regional and local significance. Objects of cultural heritage shall be considered elements of land-use planning, landscape, gardens…


This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of organization, conservation and management of protected areas with a view of ensuring landscape and ecological sustainability, conservation and protection of unique and model ecosystems, wild fauna and wild flora species, genetic fund thereof…


The scope of this Regional law shall be to ensure the right of citizens with three and more children for acquisition free of charge in ownership of the plots of land pertaining to state or municipal property. Public or municipal land plots shall be allotted to the aforesaid categories of…


The scope of this Regional Law shall be conservation, management, protection and promotion of the objects of cultural heritage. All the objects of cultural heritage of regional and municipal significance shall be subject to mandatory recording in the State register of the objects of cultural…