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The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed analysis of the behavior of cropping output in agriculture between 1992 and 2006 in Vietnam at both the national and regional level. There are several motivations. The report focuses our analysis on trends with respect to how rapidly output was growing in real terms. The next parts of the chain will link output to farm incomes more directly. First this requires information on the value-added from crop production (gross output value less the cost of intermediate inputs) in order to convert gross revenue into real net income. Second, the report will have to convert 'real farm profits' measured in producer prices, to 'real incomes' that link to farmer welfare, utilizing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for rural households. Third, the period 1992 through 2006 has been one of considerable change in the economic and policy environment that might affect the growth of agriculture. In this report, the report focus only on the trends in real output at the national and sub-regional level, and save the latter two links of the chain for future work.