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Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, commonly known as the CSIR, is a world-class African research and development organisation established through an Act of Parliament in 1945 and the organisation’s executive authority is the Minister of Science and Technology of South Africa. The CSIR undertakes directed, multidisciplinary research and technological innovation that contribute to the improved quality of life of South Africans. The organisation plays a key role in supporting government’s programmes through directed research that is aligned with the country’s priorities, the organisation’s mandate and its science, engineering and technology competences.

Impact is at the core of our business and the following objectives are crafted to ensure that we deliver on our mandate:

Build and transform human capital - Our scientific and technical contributions are only made possible through the skills and capabilities of our scientific staff. The CSIR is an important part of the national system of innovation and through the development and training of our scientific base, contributes to the national imperative to develop human capital and to the ongoing transformation of our society.

Conduct high-quality research to foster scientific development - The CSIR contributes to scientific development by identifying and investing in various areas of research to enable the translation of CSIR research into solid scientific output such as publications, technology demonstrators and intellectual property. 

Conduct relevant research to foster industrial development - This strategic objective is achieved through the selection and implementation of a range of R&D programmes, in collaboration with various stakeholders to identify opportunities to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of our existing industries.

Infrastructure renewal and development - Research infrastructure is fundamental to the organisation accomplishing its scientific and industrial development mandate. Therefore, the investment in research and built infrastructure and the implementation of the Campus Master Plan will help us achieve this.

Financial sustainability and governance – Financial sustainability and sound track record of governance are imperative to the success of the organisation in the long-term.  We are committed to upholding that.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa


The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is headquartered in Dakar, Senegal. It was established in 1973 as an independent pan-African research organisation primarily focusing on social sciences research in Africa.


Mission Statement

It is recognised not only as the pioneer African social research organisation but also as the apex non-governmental centre of social knowledge production on the continent.

Its objectives are to:

  • Promote and facilitate research and knowledge production in Africa using a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach. The Council is committed to combating the fragmentation of knowledge production, and the African community of scholars along various disciplinary and linguistic/geographical lines;
  • Promote and defend the principle of independent thought and the academic freedom of researchers in the production and dissemination of knowledge;
  • Encourage and support the development of African comparative research with a continental perspective and a sensitivity to the specificity of the development process in Africa;
  • Promote the publication and dissemination of research results undertaken by African scholars;
  • Strengthen the institutional basis of knowledge production in Africa by proactively engaging and supporting other research institutions and their networks of scholars within its programmes of activities. As part of this goal, the Council also actively encourages cooperation and collaboration among African universities, research organisations and other training institutions;
  • Encourage inter-generational and gender-sensitive dialogues in the African academy as a further investment of effort in the promotion of awareness and capacity for the use of different prospectives for knowledge production;
  • Promote contacts and dialogue between African researchers and researchers on Africa elsewhere in the world, as well as interaction between the Council and similar international organisations.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa

Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique

Conselho para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais em África

مجلس تنمية البحوث الإجتماعية في أفريقيا

CRC Press

CRC Press is a premier global publisher of science, technology, and medical resources. We offer unique, trusted content by expert authors, spreading knowledge and promoting discovery worldwide. We aim to broaden thinking and advance understanding in the sciences, providing researchers, academics, professionals, and students with the tools they need to share ideas and realize their potential.

CRC Press is a member of Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.

CSIRO Publishing

CSIRO Publishing is an Australian-based science and technology publisher. It publishes books, journals and magazines across a range of scientific disciplines, including agriculture, chemistry, plant and animal sciences, natural history and environmental management. It also produces interactive learning modules for primary school students and provides writing workshops for researchers.

CSIRO Publishing operates within the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It was established as a stand-alone business unit in 1995

CSR Asia

CSR Asia is a mission-driven business creating value for clients and partners in Asia by supporting responsible, inclusive and sustainable business. Our services include sustainability strategy and reporting, and development and community investment. We deliver value through our advisory, networks, events and intelligence. CSR Asia has 6 offices globally and staff members have multidisciplinary expertise across sectors and in local markets. Committed to creating positive change, CSR Asia provides access to a knowledge bank of accessible reports and articles as well as events, forums and training.

Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural

La revista tiene como tema general todos los aspectos que se tejen alrededor del desarrollo rural en el contexto colombiano e iberoamericano. Enfoca sus diferentes artículos en temas relacionados con políticas agrícolas, economía agraria, problemas rurales, gestión ambiental, innovación y cambio tecnológico y, en general, todos los aspectos que se tejen alrededor del desarrollo rural en el contexto colombiano e iberoamericano. Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural es producida semestralmente por el Instituto de Estudios Rurales (IER) de la Facultad de Estudios Ambientales y Rurales.

Cultural Survival

Cultural Survival is an Indigenous-led NGO and U.S. registered non-profit that advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures, and political resilience, since 1972. For 50 years, Cultural Survival has partnered with Indigenous communities to advance Indigenous Peoples' rights and cultures worldwide. We envision a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance. 


Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972.

Cumbres de las Américas

Las Cumbres de las Américas reúnen a los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los Estados Miembros del Hemisferio para debatir sobre aspectos políticos compartidos, afirmar valores comunes y comprometerse a acciones concertadas a nivel nacional y regional con el fin de hacer frente a desafíos presentes y futuros que enfrentan los países de las Américas. La Séptima Cumbre de las Américas se celebró en la Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá el 10 y 11 de abril de 2015. Perú será sede de la Octava Cumbre de las Américas en 2018.

Curbing Corruption is a new website providing practical help for public officials and politicians planning anti-corruption reforms.

We provide you with two tools

A practical five-step approach – summarised in the left side bar – helps you develop your own anti-corruption initiative, large or small.  The Steps can be accessed at any time from the top navigation bar.

Thorough reviews of corruption analysis and reform experience in each sector. Each review is organised according to the five steps and written in a constructive, accessible style.

CurbingCorruption is also designed to help those in the private sector, professional bodies, civil society, media, research and elsewhere who are supporting such reforms or pushing for them. 


CyLaw is a legal database by the Cyprus Bar Association.



DAI (Development Alternatives Incorporated)


DAI’s mission is to make a lasting difference in the world by helping people improve their lives. We envision a world in which communities and societies become more prosperous, fairer and better governed, safer, healthier, and environmentally more sustainable.

Land Tenure and Property Rights

Secure property rights are key to economic growth. Equitable access to land is the basis for pro-poor and socially inclusive economic growth; and competition for land often inflames tensions between different groups, resulting in conflict. In the context of climate change and population growth, with greater pressure on scarce resources, secure and equitable access to land is becoming increasingly important. As a result, the international development community is escalating its support for land-related programs around the world. DAI works across all types of tenure systems—customary, private, and public—to strengthen the security and rights of land users by focusing on the appropriate reforms and capacity building that are appropriate in each context. We do so in cost-effective ways, working with and through familiar local institutions in which local inhabitants have confidence, so they can improve their livelihoods. We ensure that processes are community-driven in conjunction with effective capacity building at the institutional level. We believe that an integrated approach, incorporating all the key elements under a single program management framework, is the best approach. Some of those elements include:

  • Locally tailored interventions that build upon local practices and experience.
  • Pilot testing of innovative practices which then allow for larger roll-out programs.
  • Working to ensure that the poor, women and marginalized groups are integrated into every aspect of the program.

Our land tenure and property rights work includes securing property rights, supporting policy and legal reforms and regularization, cadaster development, land record rehabilitation and management, land information systems, institution building and information dissemination, participatory land use and resource planning, dispute resolution and mitigation, training, research and communications, and grants management. DAI holds an indefinite quantity contract with USAID—Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR)—through which DAI and specialist partners provide land tenure and property rights services to the U.S. Agency for International Development and its government, private sector, and nonprofit partners around the world. DAI tenure specialists carry out cutting-edge research on the impacts of tenure interventions on economic development, equity, and social stability. We are also a leading provider of land services to UKaid through the U.K. Department for International Development, with a successful portfolio of work in Africa and the Caribbean.

Daily Nation brings the Latest News from Kenya, Africa and the World. Get live news and latest stories from Politics, Business, Technology, Sports and more.



DCAs vision

DanChurchAid has a vision of a world without hunger, poverty and oppression, in which popular and political powers constantly work strongly and actively for a just and sustainable distribution and use of the earth’s resources.

DCAs core

DanChurchAid supports the poorest of the world in their struggle for a dignified life and helps those whose lives are threatened. We provide emergency relief in disaster-stricken areas and long-term development assistance in poor regions - to create a more equitable and sustainable world.

Our work derives from Christian values. We show active compassion, share with the world’s poorest, and help those in need. We act courageously when injustice is committed against people and when human rights are violated.

The situation of each individual is the starting point for our work, with respect for human rights and equality. We engage with popular and political forces, and seek to influence decision makers to improve conditions for the poorest.

We work closely with faith-based and other partners, and break new ground in our partnerships to make the greatest possible difference in the world.

We show leadership and maintain our 100 years of tradition for action and innovation. By experimenting and testing new ways of working with volunteers, donors and partners, we help people in poverty and distress to find a better life and have hope for a better world.


Danco Limited is a leading Kenyan based professional real estate consultancy powerhouse providing integrated real estate consultancy services to its esteemed clients. With continuously changing real estate needs, there is need for well rounded professionals to offer real estate consultancy and advisory services. Danco understands the difference between price and value. Value is inbuilt, has character, regenerates, overshadows price and that it is a process and not an event.

Danish Institute for Human Rights

The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. Our mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad.

We are Denmark’s national human rights institution. We are also a national equality body in relation to race and ethnicity and gender. Furthermore, we have a special role in the disability area where we promote and monitor the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

In Denmark, we advise the government, the parliament, ministries and public authorities on human rights, among other things, when new legislation is suggested.

We produce analyses and research on human rights, for instance about children with imprisoned parents, legislation on terrorism, the rights of stateless human beings and equal pay.

We carry out specific projects to promote equal treatment and advise those who may have been discriminated against.

We map out the biggest human rights challenges in Denmark as well as the yearly improvements in the area. For more information, see our annual Status Report  and The Annual Report to the Danish Parliament.

Internationally, we work with states, independent organizations and the corporate sector, enabling them to strengthen human rights.

We assist in building well-functioning legal systems abroad and to ensure the influence of civil society.

We aid private companies in assessing the impact of their work on human rights.

We educate police officers, school teachers, ombudsmen, and judges on human rights.

Danish Institute for International Studies


DIIS is an independent research institution for international studies, financed primarily by the Danish state. We conduct and communicate multidisciplinary research on globalisation, security, development and foreign policy and within these areas we aim to be agenda-setting in research, policy and public debate. DIIS participates in academic networks and publish in high-ranking academic journals, always striving to excel in academic scholarship. We continuously assess Denmark's foreign and political situation and inform the Danish media, politicians and the public about our work.


Danwatch is a Danish award-winning independent media and research centre specialized in investigative journalism on global issues. We investigate states’ and companies’ impacts on human rights and the environment, and hold power to account in the public interest.


Through our in-depth journalistic investigations we address structural problems and uncover the truth behind, with no corporate or political agenda. Our subjects are often highly complex and span many different countries and sectors, but through fact-based, unbiased reporting, we expose systemic wrongs, counter misinformation and provoke change.

Our investigations focus on serious issues affecting our society and can last many months with very thorough desk research combined with fieldwork in multiple countries. Often we work together with local journalists in cross-border collaborative, and have build up a very strong network of investigating journalists, local media, CSO, contacts and whistleblowers in several countries.

We collaborate national and internationally with major mainstream media and broadcasters (DR, Politiken, TV2 The Guardian, Aljazeera among others), which secure that our journalism, is reaching as many people as possible. And our investigations have appeared in major newspapers, broadcasters and news outlets around the world. Our belief is that independent journalism is a crucial part of any democracy. Our journalism help the public to better understand our world, give a voice to the voiceless, and hold states, investors and companies with power to account.

Our journalistic investigations have prompted political inquiries and hearings both national and international and have influenced policy changes at some of the biggest multinational companies.

Data Governance Network


The Data Governance Network is developing a multi-disciplinary community of
researchers tackling India's next policy frontiers: data-enabled policymaking and the
digital economy. At DGN, we work to cultivate and communicate research stemming
from diverse viewpoints on market regulation, information privacy and digital rights.
Our hope is to generate balanced and networked perspectives on data governance —
thereby helping governments make smart policy choices which advance the
empowerment and protection of individuals in today's data-rich environment seeks to democratize and reimagine the use of data to tackle society’s greatest challenges and improve lives across the globe. Our current initiatives aim to advance inclusive growth, build capacity, mitigate and adapt to climate change and fight pandemics.

David Publishing


David Publishing Company (DPC) (originally as USA-China Business Review (Journal), Inc., USA), founded in 2001, is a professional English-language academic journals and books publisher both in print and online versions, which serves the world's research and scholarly communities. STEM (Scientific/Sciences, Technical, Engineering, Medicine) is our core theme. We are currently receiving the submission of the fields: Account & Accounting, Administration, Agriculture, Aviation Science, Business, Chemistry, Civil, Computer, Earth, Education, Energy, Environment, Economics, Electrics, Electronics, Food, Future Science, Geology, Health, History, Journalism, Law, Language, Life-Sciences, Literature & Art, Management, Materials, Mechanics, Medicine, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Pharmacy and Pathology, Philosophy, Shipping & Ocean, Sociology, Sports Sciences, Traffic and Transportation, Tourism and Restaurants, etc.. After 11 years of development, the company has made phenomenal progress through unremitting efforts. Until 2012, we have scholarly publishing services with more than 150 countries. Besides, the quality of papers has been further improved, which not only enhances the reputation of the journals, but also expands the influences of the company. Thank you for reading at the end of this page. If you are interested in our company and want to learn more, please spend some time on this site or contact us. And if you would like to cooperate with us, as our author, colleague, partner or in any other way, we are glad to hear from you.

De Gruyter Online

The independent academic publisher De Gruyter can look back at a company history of over 260 years.

Today, the De Gruyter group publishes over 1,300 new titles each year in the humanities, social sciences, STM and law, more than 700 subscription based or Open Access journals, and a variety of digital products.

The company is headquartered in Berlin, with offices in Basel, Beijing, Boston and Munich. 

Under its umbrella brand De Gruyter, the company runs the imprints of De Gruyter Akademie ForschungBirkhäuserDe Gruyter MoutonDe Gruyter Oldenbourg, and De Gruyter Saur.

De Gruyter Open

De Gruyter Open (formerly Versita)  is one of the world’s leading publishers of open access scientific content. Today De Gruyter Open (DGO) publishes about 600 own and third-party scholarly journals across all major disciplines.

The company was established in 2001 and is now part of the De Gruyter publishing group Since 2006 De Gruyter Open has been a member of Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers and International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers. De Gruyter Open’s book and journal programs have been endorsed by the international research community and some of the world’s top scientists – Nobel Prize Winners included. The company is on the constant mission to make best scientific content freely available to all scholars and readers alike.

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology



The Dedan Kimathi University of Technology motto is: “Better Life through Technology”.



To be a Premier Technological University Excelling in Quality Education, Research, and Technology Transfer for National Development.



To provide academically stimulating, culturally diverse and quality learning environment that fosters research, innovation and technology development towards producing relevant technical and managerial human resource and leaders to contribute to attainment of national development goals.



Dedan Kimathi University of Technology is founded on the belief that self-actualization, and solutions to global challenges are attainable through a spirit of dedication, self –confidence, determination, and best utilization of resources. The institution also believes in being globally competitive through the employment of global competencies. To actualize its beliefs and goals, the University is committed to investing in her staff, facilities and systems to ensure an internationally excellent environment for education and for the furtherance of her aims and objectives. The ultimate goal of this philosophy is to mould Dedan Kimathi University of Technology into an institution known for world class research, academic excellence, an exceptional staff and students, and one that harbors the highest level of innovation, creativity, scholarship and enterprises.



  • Innovation
  • Scholarship 
  • Diversity 
  • Integrity 
  • Teamwork



For 55 years DEG, a subsidiary of KfW, has been a reliable partner to private-sector companies operating in developing and emerging countries. We provide them with long-term financing and promotional programmes, and advise them as they implement their investments. They can thus develop successfully and sustainably, while generating local added value and creating qualified jobs. As a development finance institution, we deliberately enter difficult markets as well, and promote private sector expansion there.

We develop solutions for our customers

We provide companies with long-term investment capital in the form of loans or equity, which is often difficult to obtain in developing countries. We advise and accompany our customers continuously to help them design their investment and company professionally, efficiently and sustainably. Our “Business Support Services” and range of promotional programmes also contribute to lasting entrepreneurial success.

Our customers are

  • companies from industry, agriculture and services;
  • private infrastructure companies in the energy, transport, utilities and telecommunications sectors;
  • financial institutions and funds that provide small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular, with reliable access to debt and equity financing.

Our customers are based in developing and emerging countries, Germany and other industrialised nations.

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Niger

The Delegations play a vital role in representing the EU and its citizens around the globe and building networks and partnerships. The main role is to represent the EU in the country where they are based and to promote the values and interests of the EU.

They are responsible for all policy areas of the relationship between the EU and the host country – be they political, economic, trade or on human rights and in building relationships with partners in civil society. In addition they analyse and report on political developments in their host country. They also programme development cooperation through projects and grants. A fundamental aspect of a Delegation is its public diplomatic role which consists in increasing the visibility, awareness and understanding of the EU.

Delegations are diplomatic missions and are usually responsible for one country, although some are representatives to several countries. The EU also has Delegations to international organisations like the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation for example.


The low technology, labor-intensive sector known as artisanal and small-scale mining, or ASM, provides a critical livelihood for millions of people around the globe. Artisanal miners produce a large portion of the world’s minerals and gemstones and endure difficult, hazardous conditions.

But there is so much more to the story. That’s why we’ve built DELVE, a global online data platform on ASM.

Democratic Voice of Burma


The Democratic Voice of Burma (Burmese: ဒီမိုကရေတစ်မြန်မာ့အသံ, abbreviated DVB) is a non-profit media organization based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Run by Burmese expatriates, it makes radio and televisionbroadcasts aimed at providing uncensored news and information about Burma.

In July 1992, DVB began broadcasting programming into Burma from studios in Oslo, Norway and transmitting via shortwave radio from the Norwegian transmitter at Kvitsoy. Now the broadcast is sent via satellite.

On May 28, 2005, DVB expanded its programming and began satellite television broadcasts into the country. The organization stated that it hoped to reach some ten million Burmese through this new effort (which it claims is the first free and independent Burmese language television channel), which was funded in part by non-governmental organizations such as Free Voice of the Netherlands, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the Freedom of Expression Foundation.

In 2012, DVB started multimedia operations inside Myanmar openly, running a branch office with its former underground VJs.

Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística


En octubre de 1951 mediante el Decreto 2240, se separa la Oficina Nacional de Estadística de la Contraloría General de la República, es así como se crea la Dirección Nacional de Estadística, dependencia directa de la Presidencia de la República. Su misión es planear, implementar y evaluar procesos rigurosos de producción y comunicación de información estadística a nivel nacional, que cumplan  con  estándares  internacionales y se valgan de la innovación y la tecnología, que soporten la comprensión y solución de las problemáticas sociales,  económicas y ambientales del país, sirvan de base para la toma de decisiones públicas y privadas y contribuyan a la consolidación de un Estado Social de Derecho equitativo, productivo y legal.