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Data Model for Land Portal (exposed as LOD)


The Land Library Data Model follows widely adopted standards for bibliographic resources or more broadly "document-like information objects" (DLIOs).

The model is designed on top of the following existing vocabularies:
  • Dublin Core for properties common to most resources
  • The Bibliographic Ontology for more specialized properties for bibliographic resources
  • The FOAF vocabulary for properties of entities like persons and organizations
  • The vocabulary for properties of all relevant entities (creative works, persons, organizations, events, places)
  • The SKOS vocabulary for all related concepts 
The model also uses a few additional properties from subsidiary or broader vocabularies: Prov-O for indicating provenance and the Europeana Data Model for compatibility with Europeana.

The result is in line with the recommendations of the AIMS LODE-BD (Recommendations for LOD-enabled Bibliographic Description).

Table 1. Namespaces used in the Land Library RDF data model
Prefix Namespace


Data Model Entities and properties

This is the list of  all the data model entities: 

Entity: Land Library Resource

RDF types:

dct:BibliographicResource, bibo:Document, schema:CreativeWork, prov:Entity, edm:ProvidedCHO

URI pattern:{UUID}

Values: Content Type: Land Library Resource

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Title dct:title, schema:name literal
Subtitle dct:alternative literal
Abstract or Description dct:description, schema:description, bibo:abstract literal
Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s) dc:contributor literal
Corporate Author dct:creator, schema:author resource (Entity: Organization)
Resource Type dct:type resource (Entity: Land Library Resource Type)
Date of publication dct:issued, schema:datePublished literal (xsd:date)
Language dct:language resource (Entity: Language)
Publisher dct:publisher, schema:publisher resource (Entity: Organization)
Data Provider prov:wasDerivedFrom, schema:provider, edm:dataProvider resource (Entity: Organization)
Pages dct:extent literal
Duration dct:extent, schema:duration literal
ISBN / Resource ID dct:identifier literal
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)
Originally publish at schema:url, bibo:uri, edm:isShownAt resource
Resource URL schema:url, bibo:uri, edm:isShownBy resource
Attached file schema:url, bibo:uri, edm:isShownBy resource
Image/Thumbnail schema:image, schema:thumbnailUrl resource
License dct:license, schema:license resource (Entity: License)
Copyright details dc:rights literal

Entity: News

RDF types:


URI pattern:{UUID}

Values: Content Type: News

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Title dct:title, schema:headline literal
Body schema:articleBody literal
Author(s) dc:creator, schema:author literal
Date of publication dct:issued, schema:datePublished literal (xsd:date)
Language dct:language, schema:inLanguage resource (Entity: Language)
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)
Source dct:source, schema:citation resource
Attached file dct:references resource
Image/Thumbnail schema:image, schema:thumbnailUrl resource

Entity: Blog Post

RDF types:

schema:BlogPosting, sioc:Post, foaf:Document

URI pattern:{UUID}

Values: Content Type: Blog Post

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Title dct:title, schema:headline literal
Body schema:articleBody literal
Author sioc:has_creator resource (Entity: Person)
Date of publication dc:date, dc:created  literal (xsd:dateTime)
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

schema:image, schema:thumbnailUrl, schema:sharedContent


Entity: Event

RDF types:


URI pattern:{UUID}

Values: Content Type: Event

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details
Name dct:title, schema:name     literal
Body dct:description, schema:description literal
Start date dct:date, schema:startDate literal (xsd:date)
Image schema:image resource
Attached file dct:references resource
Contact / Event organiser schema:organizer literal
More information (Webpages) schema:url resource
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related Concepts dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: Organization

RDF types:

foaf:Organization, schema:Organization, prov:Entity, org:Organization

URI pattern:{UUID}

Values: Content Type: Organization


Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Name dct:title, rdfs:label, schema:name, foaf:name literal
Description dct:description, schema:description literal
Acronym dct:identifier, org:identifier literal
Logo schema:image resource
Website schema:url, foaf:homepage resource
Focal point schema:contactPoint literal
Email foaf:mbox, schema:email literal
Phone number foaf:phone, schema:telephone literal
Postal address schema:address literal
Location - -
Affiliated organization - resource (Entity: Organization)
Members schema:member literal
Working languages lingvo:workingLanguage resource (Entity: Language)
Attached file dct:references resource
Organization Type dct:type resource (Entity: Organization Type))
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: Organization Type

RDF types:


ValuesTaxonomy: Organization types

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel literal
Description skos:definition literal
Synonym skos:AltLabel literal
Parent (Organization Type) skos:broader resource

Entity: Person

RDF classes:



Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name foaf:name literal

Entity: Region

It could be a country or a continent/subcontinent

Entity: Country

RDF types:

skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location, geonames:Feature, lb:Country

URI pattern:{ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (aka ISO3)}

Graph (SPARQL):

Values: Subset of Taxonomy: Regions

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, dct:title, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition, dct:description, rdfs:comment literal
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (aka ISO3) dct:identifier, skos:notation, geonames:countryCode literal
Synonyms skos:altLabel literal
Parent region skos:broader resource (Entity: Region)

Entity: Continent/SubContinent

RDF types:

skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location, geonames:Feature

URI pattern:{Area code (UN M.49)}

Graph (SPARQL):


Values: Subset of Taxonomy: Regions

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, dct:title, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition, dct:description, rdfs:comment literal
Area code (UN M.49) dct:identifier, skos:notation literal
Synonyms skos:altLabel literal
Parent region skos:broader resource (Entity: Region)



Entity: LandVoc Theme

RDF types:


URI pattern:{theme-ID}

Values: Taxonomy: LandVoc Theme

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition literal
ID skos:notation literal
Synonym skos:altLabel literal
Image schema:image resource
Related LandVoc concepts skos:related resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: LandVoc Concept (Curated)

RDF types: 


URI pattern:

Agrovoc URI

ValuesTaxonomy: LandVoc Concepts

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel literal (with lang)

Entity: LandVoc Concept (Drupal Raw)

RDF types: 


URI pattern:

Agrovoc URI

ValuesTaxonomy: LandVoc Concepts

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition literal
Synonym skos:altLabel literal
Agrovoc URI skos:exactMatch, owl:sameAs     resource

Entity: Land Library Resource Type

RDF types:


ValuesTaxonomy: Land Library Resource Types

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel literal
Description skos:definition literal
Synonym skos:AltLabel literal
Parent (LL Resource Type) skos:broader resource

Entity: Language

RDF types:

skos:Concept, lvont:Language


URI pattern:{ISO 639-1 code}

Values: Taxonomy: Languages


Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name dct:title, rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel literal
Description skos:definition literal
Language code (ISO 639-1) lvont:iso639P1Code literal
Language code (ISO 639-3) lvont:iso639P3Code literal

Entity: License

RDF types:

skos:Concept, odrl:Policy


URI pattern:

RDFLicense URI

Values: Taxonomy: Licenses

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition literal
Acronym skos:notation, dct:identifier literal
Synonym skos:altLabel literal
RDFLicense URI skos:exactMatch, owl:sameAs resource

Entity: Profile

RDF types:


URI pattern:{username}

Values: People

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Title foaf:title literal
First Name foaf:firstName literal
Last Name foaf:lastName literal
Description dct:description, vivo:overview literal
Picture foaf:depiction, schema:image resource
Public email foaf:mbox literal
Website foaf:homepage resource
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: Project

RDF types:


URI pattern:{UUID}

Values: Content Type: Project


Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Name dct:title, rdfs:label, schema:name, foaf:name literal
Description dct:description, schema:description literal
ID dct:identifier literal
Acronym - literal
Logo schema:image resource
Extension - -
Project value - literal
Contact information schema:contactPoint literal
Websites of the project schema:url, foaf:homepage resource
Donors - resource (Entity: Organization)
Implementers - resource (Entity: Organization)
Associated staff - resource
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)
Data Provider schema:provider resource (Entity: Organization)