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Community Organizations Government of Tuvalu
Government of Tuvalu
Government of Tuvalu
Governmental institution


Working languages

This is the profile for the Government of Tuvalu



Displaying 11 - 15 of 16

Tuvalu Lands Code (Cap. 46.20.2).


This Code of Laws, made under the Native Land Act, governs native land rights in specified islands of Tuvalu. The Code contains rules relative to land ownership rights and the limitation of such rights by the Land Court. The Code also concerns alienation of rights and the distribution of an estate inter vivos, in case of absentee owner, by will and without a will. Rules also concern exchanges of property, sale of property and use of (village and communal) land.

Implements: Native Lands Ordinance. (1978)

Laws of Tuvalu Act 1987 (Cap. 1.06).


This Act concerns law in general applicable in Tuvalu and gives a definition of customary law and other sources of law. The Act also defines powers of the Attorney-General in relation to applied law.Customary law comprises the customs and usages, existing from time to time, of the natives of Tuvalu. Schedule 1 to this Act has effect with respect to the determination and recognition of customary law.

Mineral Development Licensing Act (Cap. 46.15).


This Act consists of 63 sections divided into 11 Parts: Preliminary (I); Acquisition of mineral rights (II); Administration (III); Reconnaissance licences (IV); Prospecting licences (V); Mining licences (VI); Mineral rights and surface rights (VII); Financial (VIII); Withdrawal of applications (IX), Surrender and termination of mineral rights (X); Regulations (XI); Penalties and offences (XII); Records, information and arbitration (XIII).Mineral rights shall be granted only to citizens of Tuvalu or to a corporation that is incorporated by or under any law of Tuvalu (sect. 3).

Neglected Lands Act (Cap. 46.24).


This Act provides for the compulsory acquisition or acquisition by agreement of neglected land and the subsequent sale of such land to natives. “Neglected land” means land suitable for agricultural use which is not being fully and efficiently utilized for agricultural purposes. The owner of land may be required to show cause why land is not neglected land and the owner of land found to be neglected, may be required to ensure the utilization of such land.