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Community Organizations Mokoro Land Rights In Africa
Mokoro Land Rights In Africa
Mokoro Land Rights In Africa
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106-108 Cowley Road
United Kingdom
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Non Governmental organization

We are an international development consultancy working t

Mokoro is pleased to host the ’Land Rights in Africa’ site as a contribution to the land rights dialogue and related debates. This website was created in January 2000 by Robin Palmer, and was originally housed by Oxfam GB, where Robin worked as a Land Rights Adviser. A library of resources on land rights in Africa – with a particular focus on women’s land rights and on the impact of land grabbing in Africa – the portal has been well received by practitioners, researchers and policy makers, and has grown considerably over the years. Since 2012, Mokoro has been hosting and maintaining the site.


The views expressed on the Land Rights in Africa site as well as the publications hosted there, are those of the authors and do not represent those of Mokoro. Wherever possible, we link to the source website of publications.



Displaying 36 - 40 of 1120

New dawn as land register goes digital

Março, 2021

Responding to an invitation from the Cameroonian government to help design a new land legal framework;civil society stakeholders have issued multiple proposals over the years on the topics they think should be included in the new land law. The LandCam project has documented;analysed and consolidated these proposals. Building on these;the authors also developed a comprehensive and coherent vision for the new land system and have made concrete recommendations;cited in this Briefing;for Cameroonian policymakers.

What are the Effects of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa on Selected Economic and Social Indicators?

Março, 2021

Explores what the Prindex 2020 dataset tells us about land rights in sub-Saharan Africa. One in four people in Africa live with the fear of being evicted day-to-day: one of the highest rates in the world. Across 34 countries surveyed in sub-Saharan Africa;a staggering 121 million people said they felt insecure. Compared to other regions of the world;people in sub-Saharan Africa place far less weight on legal documentation when considering how secure they feel in their rights.

Africa’s land rush – what do we really know?

Fevereiro, 2021

This comic is based on field research conducted around the Feronia palm oil plantation in Tshopo province in north-east DR Congo as part of a project on ‘environmental defenders and atmospheres of violence’. The story focuses on people living next to the Feronia concession and how they experience and fight against the company. While the names in the comic are fictional;the described events are based on testimonies gathered during field research.

Villagers in Zimbabwe face loss of land;livelihoods

Fevereiro, 2021

Land is a commodity like no other. We live on it;we grow from it;we drink from it and build our futures upon it. But we don’t share it equally. The distribution of land has long defined the gap between rich and poor. Now new data shows clearer than ever how the way in which land is being shared and managed profoundly impacts extreme and rising inequality and the achievement of women’s and girlsrights. With the largest 1 percent of farms operating more than 70 percent of the world’s farmland;it is time that we called out the problem of extreme land inequality and committed to ending it.

A great step forward for land rights in Namibia: 988 land holder titles issued in Freedom Square;Gobabis

Fevereiro, 2021

Despite Tanzania’s progressive legal framework on land rights and governance;many women are often left out of community decision-making due to social and cultural norms that persist in some areas of the country. The author discusses a participatory initiative that is helping women make their voices heard when it comes to land governance.