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Community Organizations Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Governmental institution

Focal point

Lisette Meij


The Hague
Working languages


The Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency supports entrepreneurs, NGOs, knowledge institutions and organisations. It aims to facilitate entrepreneurship, improve collaborations, strengthen positions and help realise national and international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations.

RVO is a government agency which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Its activities are commissioned by the various Dutch ministries and the European Union.



Frank van Holst
Lisette Meij
Maaike van den Berg
Gemma Betsema


Displaying 46 - 50 of 121

VCCI-507859-Capacity Building


The programme will empower precarious workers in the highly informal agri-food sector - mostly micro, small and medium enterprises - in 3 ASEAN member-states (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) with the aim of addressing their rights, needs and vulnerabilities through the promotion of three pillars of the JSF Decent Work: labour rights at work, social protection and social dialogue for all. Climate change impacts, economic insecurity and occupational safety and health of these workers will be addressed by more adequate and shock-responsive social protection measures. Labour law enforcement will be enhanced to upgrade their livelihoods. In this project, VCCI will provide technical assistance to companies in rice and shrimp sectors to increase their understandingand awareness of labor and social protection issues and other sustainable standards. VCCI will take lead in building capacity for SMEs and ensure their compliance with national and international regulations and laws on labors, social protection issues. VCCI will play an important role in establishing and supporting Multi-stakeholders Initiatives to contribute to policy and advocacy processs.



Land Rights Now is an international campaign to secure indigenous and community land rights. It was launched by the International Land Coalition, Oxfam, and Rights and Resources Initiative, and many others in in March 2016 with the target of doubling the amount of land recognized as owned and controlled by Indigenous People and local communities by 2020 . The campaign contributed to a wider global call to action to secure indigenous and community land rights, which resulted in various local-to-global initiatives. Since then, more than 800 organizations have endorsed the target of the campaign, and over 100 have engaged in campaign activities. Campaign #wins#, increasing demand by communities, and a growing supporter base testify the success of the campaign and its enormous potential. To tap into this, the campaign has now entered a Phase II clearly positioning itself as an amplifier of campaigns for organizations that endorsed the target. This proposal contributes to the Land Rights Now coordinator ofthis next phase for 1 year from 1 May2018 to 30 April 2019. The Land Rights Now coordinator # a position currently held by Fionuala Cregan and hosted by Oxfam Novib # is a fundamental and strategic position to deliver the alliance plans of the campaigns.

Fund for Responsible Business (FVO)


FVO supports collaborations between enterprises and civil society organisations that aim to reduce Responsible Business Conduct risks and misconduct in the value chains of Dutch companies, such as harm to the natural environment through pollution or reduction of biodiversity, human rights violations during land acquisitions, poor working conditions in factories in producer countries, etc. FVO supports Dutch partnerships that:- wish to conduct local or regional research into the underlying causes of RBC risks and misconduct in their value chain or chains and implement measures to address them;- wish to implement RBC into their business processes in a more effective manner, including measures to combat RBC risks and misconduct within their own company;- wish to set up a multi-stakeholder project that addresses RBC risks and misconduct and has a positive impact on manufacturing conditions in their producer countries.

Projet d'appui à la gestion Foncière Locale au Bénin


Expérimentation du Code Foncier et Domanial dans les Communes de Dogbo et Klouékanmè


L'objectif général du projet est la Contribution à l'amélioration de la sécurité foncière et à une meilleure jouissance des droits de terre, de logement et des biens pour la population béninoise. De manière spécifique il s'agit de la Mise en œuvre du cadre institutionnel et des dispositifs du code foncier et domanial en vue de la gestion intégrée du foncier au niveau local

Target Groups

Les groupes cibles du projets se présentent comme suit: - Mairie (Maires,Conseillers communaux et locaux) - Administration Communale (SG, SDLP, SRFU, Service foncier) - Organes de gestion foncière (BCDF, CoGeF, SVGF) - Préfecture et Services déconcentrés de l’Etat en lien avec le foncier (CARDER, Impôts, DDHU, etc.) - Tribunal de conciliation - Organisations de la société civile (organisations paysannes, groupements de femmes, chefferie traditionnelle, …etc.) - Populations en général, femmes jeunes et autres groupes défavorisés en particulier.

CP People's Landscape Approach Nepal


Oxfam in Nepal will be the overall coordinator: fund management in Nepal; sub-granting to partners according to joint planning; contribution with knowledge of various aspects of a landscape approach (participative water management, Agro-biodiversity, disaster risk reduction, Women’s Economic Empowerment) and on engagement of other actors like governments and private sector. Four local partners (CSRC, ICIMOD, LI-BIRD and NEEDS) will implement the project in Nepal. CSRC: Contribution on land rights of landless and land-poorfamilies, disaster risk reduction, risk sensitive land use planning, participatory landuse mapping, engagement with local authorities, advocacy and campaigning based on action research, link to Land rigths’ Forum. ICIMOD: research andknowledge generation on and network in relation to (transboundary) Landscape Approach in the region; cooperation with national governments; diversification of livelihoods, ecosystem services (like REDD+), agro-biodiversity, policy influencing, LI-BIRD: engagement with local institutions, governments and private sector actors; knowledge on agro-biodiversity and agro-ecological production; diversification of livelihoods; payment for ecosystem services; NEEDS: contribution on water governance, women’s economic empowerment, advocacy and engagement with local authorities and private sector actors.