Gemma Betsema is the facilitator of the Netherlands LANDdialogue, an initiative by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to exchange knowledge and experiences between Dutch stakeholders active in land-related investments and projects. Prior to that, Gemma was a project lead for Shared Value Foundation in the context of their Learning Platforms initiative - in collaboration with LANDac, CIFOR and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP). From 2012 - 2016 she was coordinator of the Netherlands Land Academy (LANDac).
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3Mid-term review LAND-at-scale programme
In 2023, the LAND-at-scale programme underwent an external mid-term review carried out by Mokoro Ltd. The report presents the MTR's main objectives, main findings and recommendations.
Iraq: Housing, Land and Property rights
The current study focuses on mapping active stakeholders and HLP rights projects and programmes in areas of return in Iraq. Specific attention will be given to economic and political factors and challenges, as well as the gender dimensions of these programs. To meet this objective a questionnaire was prepared for key stakeholders. In addition to an extensive literature review of the legislative Iraqi system and published reports by organizations focusing on HLP rights.
Supporting participatory agricultural land use consolidation for sustainable development and food security in Egypt
This report was commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( RVO is responsible for the implementation of the LAND-at-scale programme, a demand-driven land governance support programme. The programme currently holds a portfolio of projects in 14 countries. LAND-at-scale supports interventions based on the UN Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT), with particular attention to interventions that support food security, rule of law, private sector development, gender equality and climate action.