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Decree No. 1126A-XII of the Supreme Soviet regarding carrying out the Law on the particulars of the privatization of property of state agricultural enterprises.

Asia central

The Supreme Soviet (Parliament) decrees to carry into force the Law on the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises from the 1 February 1992. The Supreme Soviet entitles the Government to examine the possibility of transfer free-of-charge of the property of some state agricultural enterprises to their work collectives.

Law No. 1126-XII on the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises.

Asia central

This Law regulates the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises and is aimed at overcoming of the monopoly in the production of the agricultural commodities by creating various form of property and management, by creating the conditions for the transition to market economy in agriculture, by promoting free competition among producers, by stimulating free enterprise for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and the improvement of the delivery of foodstuffs and industrial raw materials to the population.

Ley Nº 9/1994 - Usos del suelo en el medio rural.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley, que consta de 5 capítulos, 16 artículos y 1 disposición final, entiende por suelo no urbanizable aquel que figura clasificado como tal en los planes generales o normas subsidiarias y, en defecto del plan, aquellas áreas del territorio que no reúnan las condiciones objetivas para ser clasificadas como suelo urbano o urbanizable (art. 1º).

Legislative Decree No. 99 implementing Council Directive No. 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture.

Europa meridional

This Decree aims at encouraging and at the same time regulating the use of sewage sludge in agriculture, in order to prevent harmful effects on soil, vegetation, animals and human beings. The sewage sludge shall be used as fertilizer and soil improver only after proper treatment and under the conditions established by article 3, regarding the composition, the concentration of heavy metals and other standards. Article 4 establishes the cases in which the use of sludge in agriculture is prohibited.

Law of the Republic of Estonia on Agricultural Reform of 11 March, 1992.

Europa septentrional

This Law provides for the return to former owners or their legal successors, the distribution to workers or ex-workers of collective farms, and compensation of, nationalised property in agriculture and for the reorganization or liquidation of collective farms. Agricultural reform shall be carried out through restitution of land property rights and privatisation of land in accordance with the Land Reform Law of 1991. The stages of reform are: (1) determination of shares in the property of a collective farm; (2) liquidation or reorganization of the collective farm (art. 4).

Law on Privatisation of 1991.

Europa oriental

The aim of this Law is to define the basic concepts and procedures for the privatisation of property in Moldova. All branches of the country's economic, cultural and social sectors are open to privatisation, except national defence, cultural heritage, state monopolies and property which supplies part of the "state-guaranteed minimun free social services" (art. 2). Funds obtained from privatisation go to form the "Republic Privatization Fund" (art. 6). The Moldova State Department for Privatisation, a special agency accountable to the Parliament, is created (art. 7).

Crown Lands Act.

África oriental

The provisions of this Act deal with various matters relating to crown lands, such as sale, leases, control over land settlement, jouissances, curatelle lands and exchange of crown lands.Section 4 provides that no land shall be granted or leased otherwise than at its full rental value with an exception of the grant or lease for charitable purposes. All sales of land shall be by public auction (sect. 5). Section 7 contains rules for sale or lease by auction. Control and supervision over land settlement shall be vested in the Chief Agricultural Officer (sect. 15B).

Law relating to Aquaculture.

Asia sudoriental

The present Law is divided into the following 10 Chapters: Title and Definition (1); Application for Lease or Licence (2); Payment of Duties and Fees (3); Powers of the Department and the Director General (4); Cancellation of the Lease Licence (5); Inspection and Action to be taken (6); Appeals (7); Prohibitions (8); Offences and Penalties (9); Miscellaneous (10).The exercise of aquaculture in aquaculture lands or fishery areas which are not connected to any of the Government Departments or special fishery areas is subject to the issuance of a lease grant.

Act implementing some matters related to the Act on the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property.

República Checa
Europa oriental

This Act lays down detailed provisions to implement the Act on the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property. In particular, it defines the competences and tasks of the Czech Republic administrative authorities, with specific regard to those pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Implements: Regulation of the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property (Act of 21 May 1991). (1991-05-21)

Act on the Land Fund of the Czech Republic.

República Checa
Europa oriental

This Act, which is composed of 18 articles, establishes the Land Fund of the Czech Republic. The Land Fund is a legal person recorded in the Trade Register. The Fund is in charge of the management of real estate belonging to the State. If the owner of a real estate is unknown, the Land Fund may allow any suitable interested person to use such real property.

Amended by: Act on the transfer of agricultural and forest public lands and amending the Act on the Land Fund of the Czech Republic. (1999-04-28)