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Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods. Africa remains exposed to threats such as natural resource degradation and poverty due to various reasons that include: changing demographics, urbanization, mining, fragile natural resources and ecosystems, increased soil erosion and land degradation, low yields and high post-harvest yield losses. Land degradation is severe and ongoing because of economic pressures and slower evolution of environmental awareness.Goal and Objectives:This article, while examining the Africa’s land potential of the African countries, advocates for the people themselves and youth particularly, not just the governments, to be involved. It also explores the wealth of livelihood opportunities that can be found in tackling land degradation and environmental policies.Methodology:The methodology involves multiple case studies focused on the review of the continent's strategic resource richness. It includes scientific studies, and reports of support organizations.Results:This paper has laid out concerns about both the state of Africa’s environment and youth career prospects. But more importantly, provided insights on steps that can be taken to conserve the environment and create jobs.