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Community Organizations Government of Manitoba (Canada)
Government of Manitoba (Canada)
Government of Manitoba (Canada)
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Government of Manitoba (Canada)



Displaying 66 - 69 of 69

Land Acquisition Act (C.C.S.M. C. L40).

América Septentrional

This Act is divided into three Parts, as follows: Part I, Land Acquisition Branch; Part II, Land Value Appraisal Commission and Part III entitled General. The Land Acquisition Branch is continued under section 3 and is under the control and direction of the Minister. The Minister, through this branch, is in charge of all matters relating to the acquisition of land or to the expropriation of land by any authority. All costs incurred in the administration the Land Acquisition Branch, shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund.

Expropriation Act (C.C.S.M. c. E190).

América Septentrional

This Act applies wherever an authority expropriates land or in the exercise of its lawful powers, causes the injurious affection of land. 'Expropriation' means the acquisition of title to land without the consent of the owner. Due compensation shall be determined in accordance with the provisions under this Act. This Act consists of 55 sections and two schedules. Section 3 provides for the exercise of expropriation power the description and plan of the land must comply with section 4. Duties of the authority are prescribed under section 9.

Escheats Act (C.C.S.M. c. E140).

América Septentrional

This Act regulates the procedure to be taken by the Minister of Justice with regards to escheatable land. Escheat refers to the reversion of property to the crown in the absence of legal heirs. Section 1 gives the Minister of Justice the power to take possession of forfeited property. Section 2 states that the proceedings to escheat will be similar to those in other actions for the recovery of land.

Farm Lands Ownership Act (C.C.S.M. c. F.35).

América Septentrional

This Act regulates ownership of farmlands. Section 2 provides that any of the following may, directly or indirectly, take, acquire, receive or hold an interest in farmland being; (b) a family farm corporation; (c) a municipality; (d) a local government district; and (e) an agency of government. Section 6 provides for the continuation of the Manitoba Farm Lands Ownership board. Section 8 deals with the powers of the Board.