Découvrez des histoires cachées et des voix non entendues sur les questions de la gouvernance foncière dans le monde entier. C'est ici que la communauté du Land Portal partage ses activités, ses expériences, ses défis et ses succès.
Geographical focus
Date: 10/07/2020
Source: Kapitalis
Par Chérif Kastalli, Président de l’Association méditerranéenne pour le développement (AMD)
Source: Beninwebtv.com
Par: Dr AVOHOUEME Béranger
Socio-anthropologue du droit foncier, Chercheur à l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin)
date: 02/07/2020
Date: 12/06/2020
Par: Vincent De Paul KABORE, Vice-président de WEND PUIRE Distribution
De nos jours, le BURKINA FASO fait face à une pression démographique sans pareil. Celle-ci s’exerce principalement autour des grandes villes qui subissent les affres d’un taux de natalité assez élevé, d’un exode rural aggravé par l’afflux massif des populations fuyant les zones sous emprises des attaques terroristes et d’une urbanisation forcée.
Date: 16/06/2020
Par: Loïc Guines, président de la chambre d'agriculture d'Ille-et-Vilaine
Source: Ouest France
The increasing number of salmon in the Skjern River in Denmark is a positive sign, as the Danish salmon is the only strain of wild salmon left in Danish rivers. Before the Skjern River Nature Restoration Project, the salmon had almost gone extinct owing to the state of the environment. The project area now offers ideal conditions for flora and fauna and has already acquired great natural value. In fact, it has already grown into a bird site of national importance.
I was assigned to lead the preparation of the assessments and amendments to the land consolidation legislation in 2016. That appeared to be a burdensome task. The first two land consolidation projects in North Macedonia were initiated according to the existing Land Consolidation Law and the implementation was blocked. The Law simply had no legal solutions for the identified field situations. The problems were many and each was ascending the other in its magnitude and sensitivity.
It happened on the 29th of January 2020 in Bitola in North Macedonia. More than 200 landowners from Egri village gathered in Bitola’s theatre, taking turns to vote on the Land Consolidation Plan. The serious faces of men and women, old and young, were a sign that they may have been as nervous as we were ourselves. The voting on the first majority based land consolidation ever in the country was coming to an end. And then the result was there….. 83% in favour of land consolidation! The villagers were cheering. Our team was overwhelmed by emotion.
Par: Me Cheickh Tidiane DABO
Intervenant en droit des Etrangers de l’Investissement du Financement et du Foncier
Source: kewoulo.info
Date: 21/05/2020
Par: Jean-Marie Séronie, agroéconomiste
Date: 28/04/2020
Source: terre-net.fr
By Grace Goodrich
In the second part of an exclusive with Africa Oil & Power, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s Director for Africa, Paul Akiwumi, discusses trade facilitation reforms, debt relief programs and Official Development Assistance as instruments of aid for Angola during COVID-19.
What role will trade facilitation and policy reforms play in helping reduce Angola’s dependence on fuel exports?
Source: Pressafrik.com
Par: Ibrahima Arona DIALLO,
Professeur de droit public, Coordonnateur du Réseau d’excellence sur la Gouvernance foncière en Afrique de l’Ouest et Expert foncier international et membre associé à l’Ipar.
Date: 13/04/2020