Decreto Nº 68/86 - Ley de protección y mejoramiento del medio ambiente.
La Ley consta de 6 títulos y 42 artículos.
La Ley consta de 6 títulos y 42 artículos.
La Ley contiene 19 capítulos y 119 artículos.
Ce décret-loi modifie l'article 4 du décret du 26 novembre 1958 sur la conservation des sols, relatif à la création et à la composition de la Commission des sols.
Modifie: Décret du 26 novembre 1958 sur la conservation et utilisation des sols. (1958-11-26)
La Ley consta de 9 capítulos, 67 artículos, 7 transitorias y 4 finales.
The Act provides for funding and administrative arrangements relating to natural resources management, with the primary objective of facilitating an integrated approach to such management that is efficient, sustainable and equitable. Part 2 deals with financial assistance from the Commonwealth to a state or to "other persons" for projects relating to natural resource management, and sets forth the various requirements for the agreements which govern such assistance.
This Code provides for the management, use and preservation of the lithosphere, which is defined as that part of the crust of the earth under the topsoil. The ownership of the lithosphere is vested in the State. The vast majority of provisions of this Act deal with the regulation and licensing of mining and geological exploration activities within the lithosphere. All such use, however, must comply with the general obligation to protect the air, land, forests, water and other environmental resources against adverse impacts, and to restore land disturbed by such activities (art. 18).
La Ley, que consta de 4 artículos, declara de interés social la resolución de todo contrato de arrendamiento relativo a tierras del Estado que excedan de 100 tareas, siempre que se trate de tierras irrigadas, hecho con particulares, cuando su distribución entre campesinos de escasos recursos económicos dedicados a la agricultura, se considere útil a juicio del Instituto Agrario Dominicano (art. 1º). Quedan exceptuados de la disposición los arrendamientos hechos para fines industriales, educativos, turísticos o de transporte aéreo o marítimo (art. 2º).
La Ley consta de 9 capítulos y 58 artículos.
La Ley consta de 11 capítulos, 161 artículos y 17 transitorios.
These Regulations, which apply throughout Great Britain, implement and supplement provisions of Council Regulation No. 1765/92, which establishes a support system for producers of certain arable crops. Producers of particular crops are entitled to receive compensatory payment, calculated according to the area which they have sown with such crops. The payment varies with the production region in which the land lies. Article 7 of the Council Regulation requires all producers claiming compensatory payments to set part of their land aside for two years.
Ce décret interdit tous défrichements, débroussés et cultures sur les versants dont la pente est supérieure à 20 pourcent se trouvant en dehors du périmètre urbain et des terrains concédés à titre définitif ou provisoire, dans les bassins des rivières N'Guitto, N'Goubagara et N'Gongono.
The District Council may declare any area a prohibited or preserved (area). All areas listed in the First Schedule are hereby declared preserved areas (by-law 3). No person shall cultivate, cut any grass, or graze animals in any preserved area (by-law 4). The Council shall, after consultation with the Agricultural Officer, prescribe the type of agricultural or animal husbandry, the type of crops that may be planted and the steps taken to prevent soil erosion and to conserve water in a prescribed area (by-law 5).