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Land Laws (Amendment) Act, 2016 (No. 28 of 2016).

Août, 2016

This Act amends the Land Registration Act, 2012, the National Land Commission Act, 2012 and the Land Act, 2012 to give effect to Articles 68(c)(i) and 67(2)(e) of the Constitution. Article 68(c)(i) requires Parliament to enact legislation to prescribe minimum and maximum land holding acreages in respect of private land. Article 67(2)(e) requires the Land Commission to initiate investigations, on its own initiative or on a complaint, into present or historical land injustices, and recommend appropriate redress. The Act places restrictions on transactions in "controlled land".

Land Regulations 2016.

Août, 2016

These Regulations, consisting of 16 sections and four Schedules, aim to the following objectives: (a) to restrict the activities of members of the public on licensed water frontages; and (b) to prescribe fees and forms for the purposes of the Land Act 1958; and (c) to provide for the issue of duplicate documents; and (d) to provide for other matters for the purposes of the Land Act 1958.

Law No. 31/2016 on the third amendment of Law No. 54/2005 establishing the title ownership of water resources.

Août, 2016

This Law establishes the third amendment of Law No. 54/2005 regulating the title ownership of water resources. Amendments deal with the ownership of water resources and lay down the requirements to be satisfied in order to use such resources. In addition, it regulates the lake and fluvial public domain which belongs to the state or to the autonomous regions.

Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2020 for the Agricultural, Marine Fisheries and Natural Resources Sectors.

National Policies
Juillet, 2016

This sectoral document aims to illustrate and analyse the main factors of development policy concerning some sectors of fundamental importance for the Tunisian economy.Strategic objectives for the agricultural sector are (i) the natural resources sustainable development together with the reduction of the impacts of climate change through traditional water resources mobilization form groundwater and non-traditional water resources from desalinization and use of treated water; (ii) addressing real estate situations, resistance to ownership dispersion and exploitation of agricultural lands; (i

Resolution No. 376 of 2016 of Georgian Government on Recognition of Ownership of Land in Possession (Use) of Individuals and Private Entities and Form for its Certificate

Juillet, 2016

The Resolution creates the authority of the agency granting the recognition of ownership of agricultural/non-agricultural land to persons, entities and other formations which are in a legitimate possession (use) of the land or arbitrarily occupy the land. The document further specifies the procedure to gain such recognition and adopts certificate forms proving the same. It consists of three annexes: Rules for recognizing ownership of land in possession (use) of individuals and private entities (Annex No. 1); and Certificates of recognition of ownership (Annex No. 2 and Annex. 3). Annex No.

Ley Orgánica reformatoria al Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD).

Juillet, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica reformatoria al Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD), respecto al ejercicio de las competencias para planificar, construir y mantener la infraestructura física y los equipamientos de los espacios públicos destinados al desarrollo social, cultural, educativo, de salud y deportivo.Asimismo, respecto a la conclusión del proceso de conformación de regiones, cuyo plazo máximo será de veinte años.

Enmienda: Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD). (2010-08-11)

Law No. 119 amending Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”.

Juillet, 2016

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of irrigated public land stock to category of land under perennial fruit growing species shall be prohibited”.

Amends: Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”. (2011-06-23)

Federal Law No. 354-FZ amending some legislative acts.

Juillet, 2016
Fédération de Russie

This Federal Law establishes new grounds and procedures for compulsory termination, as well as the specific features of acquiring, rights to plots of agricultural land. A land plot may be expropriated from the owner in a judicial procedure if it has not been used for 3 or more years to perform agricultural or other activities related to agricultural production.

Federal Law No. 334-FZ amending some legislative acts.

Juillet, 2016
Fédération de Russie

This Federal Law establishes a new procedure for disposing of land plots, the state ownership of which is not delimited. So, the plots located on the territory of the rural settlement that is part of the municipal district and in the inter-settlement territories of the municipal district shall be allotted to citizens and legal entities by the local government of this municipal district, unless otherwise established by the current legislation.

Making Public Land Work

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2016
United Kingdom

Shared Assets works with landowners and social and community enterprises to develop innovative ways of managing land for the common good, be it parks, farmland, woodlands, waterways, or other spaces. We also look for ways to create an environment that allows these models to thrive. One issue that comes up repeatedly is the crucial role of local authorities, both as landowners and commissioners of land-based services.

Arrêté interministériel du 24 Ramadhan 1437 correspondant au 29 juin 2016 fixant les conditions et modalités de prise en charge de la concession des terrains relevant du domaine privé de l'Etat destinés à la réalisation de projets de promotion immobili...

Juin, 2016

Le présent arrêté fixe les conditions et modalités de prise en charge de la concession des terrains relevant du domaine privé de l’Etat destinés à la réalisation de projets de promotion immobilière à caractère commercial consentie antérieurement au 4 novembre 2015, date de promulgation du décret exécutif n° 15-281 du 12 Moharram 1437 correspondant au 26 octobre 2015, en application des dispositions de l’article 15 du décret exécutif n° 15-281 du 12 Moharram 1437 correspondant au 26 octobre 2015 fixant les conditions et modalités de concession convertible en cession des terrains relevant du