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The effect of land inheritance on youth migration and employment decisions in Rwanda

Décembre, 2021

There is growing mobility of rural youth mainly caused by limited access to land resources and inadequacy of job opportunities. Increased population density coupled with low education rates has increased pressure on natural resources, especially land. This paper assessed the effect of land inheritance on youth migration and employment in Rwanda using the 2010/11 and 2013/14 Integrated Household Living Conditions Surveys (EICVs) data collected from 8160 households by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR).

Contour bunding technology-evidence and experience in the semiarid region of southern Mali

Décembre, 2021

Land and water management practices have been widely implemented in rural Mali since the1980s to improve agricultural productivity and erosion control. Under conditions of recurring droughts, these practices are expected to increase farmers’ ability to cope with shocks. One of the most common practices applied in the central and southern parts of Mali is contour bunding (CB). In this study the impact of the CB technology is evaluated with a focus on biophysical and socio-economic benefits.

A policymaker’s guide to increasing youth engagement in aquaculture in Nigeria

Décembre, 2021

Supporting young people to enter food value chains can help reduce high levels of youth unemployment across sub-Saharan Africa. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and WorldFish conducted a study to understand the drivers of, and hindrances to, youth entry into aquaculture value chains in Nigeria to support development of youth-inclusive policy for rural areas.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Kenya

Décembre, 2021

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) is a project being implemented in Africa to help deliver a climate-smart African future, driven by science and innovation in agriculture. It is led by the Alliance of Bioversity and Centre for International Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and supported by a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank.

Vision Pastoralist for Youth 2026 - Future of pastoralism in the face of climate change: Consultation outcome document, Kenya, 27-29 September 2022

Décembre, 2021

Traditional pastoralism is a unique and resilient system for ensuring adaptation to climate change. This adaptation is particularly important to deal with a dynamic process of unpredictable climate variability and permanent human interactions in dryland ecosystems in Africa. It is considered of fundamental importance to ensure the application of innovative techniques and mechanisms to deal with these changes, and that these technologies are strategically integrated into community social structures and resource management value systems.

Strengthening Food Systems Resilience and Agricultural Trade in Southern Africa

Décembre, 2021

Climate change and its impact on agricultural production and productivity is a major factor of concern in the agricultural sector. Many indicators point to the significant depressing role that climate change has on the agricultural sector, spanning from production to marketing of the primary and secondary products. Women and youth comprise most of the rural population in the

Barriers, incentive mechanisms, and roles of institutions in scaling climate-smart agriculture (CSA) interventions in rice growing environments in Mali

Décembre, 2021

Climate change has many facets, including changes in long-term trends in temperature and rainfall regimes, increased year-to-year variability, and frequency of extreme events. Agriculture is the most affected, particularly in Sahelian countries, due to a scarcity of productive resources. Transitioning towards more resilient food systems requires the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) interventions.

Barriers, incentive mechanisms, and roles of institutions in scaling climate smart agriculture and climate information services

Décembre, 2021

This study uses a framework that provides ample space for local stakeholders to integrate their knowledge and experience in the assessment of the barriers, incentives mechanisms, and roles of institutions for scaling out locally relevant CSA interventions in the four rice-growing environments in Mali. The study found that the adoption levels of many CSA interventions have been low.

Internship Report: Creating Opportunities for Increasing Youth Employment in the Agriculture Sector

Décembre, 2021

Zambia’s youth are key development catalysts that have the potential to foster economic prosperity in their communities, when provided with adequate support. As a means to better support Zambia’s youth population, many recent interventions have focused on expanding youth’s access to quality education. However, despite obtaining a higher education, numerous recent university graduates remain unable to qualify for gainful employment opportunities due to their lack of work experience and/or underdevelopment of professional skills.

Status review of challenge, constraints and needs of men, women, and youth enterprises in the bean value chain in selected countries

Décembre, 2021

Common bean is the most grown legume in sub-Saharan Africa and contributes to income and food security of smallholder farmers. The common bean value chain offers business opportunities to various actors, particularly women because of their high involvement in production and marketing. The value chain has the potential to contribute to SDGs if opportunities are harnessed through developing and supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, challenges and constraints undermine the contribution of the common bean to livelihoods and incomes of actors along the chain.

Digital agriculture platforms: Understanding innovations in rural finance and logistics in Uganda’s agrifood sector

Décembre, 2021
United States of America

Agriculture is the mainstay of Uganda’s economy, contributing about 25% of the GDP, a third of the export earnings and almost all the country’s food requirements. Yet, the sector still faces various challenges that affect production and the income derived from it. Systemic issues impact smallholder farmers' livelihoods across markets, land, skills, and capital, with cross-cutting social exclusion issues.

Politiques et pratiques foncieres et engagement des jeunes dans la production de l'igname (dioscorea spp) en Republique du Benin. Land policies and practices and youth engagement in yam (dioscorea spp) production in the Republic of Benin

Décembre, 2021

La culture d’igname, très exigeante en fertilité du sol, est de plus en plus confronté à la raréfaction des terres fertiles au Bénin. La présente étude analyse l’influence des politiques et pratiques foncières sur l’engagement des jeunes dans la production de l’igname en République du Bénin. Les données sont collectées à l’aide de questionnaires administrés à 383 producteurs d’igname du Département des Collines identifiés selon un échantillonnage à choix raisonné.