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Challenges for private sector job matching in rural Egypt: Results from a survey of forsa employers

Décembre, 2022
United States of America

Increasing formal employment for youth and women is a key goal of the Forsa pilot graduation intervention and Egyptian government policy in general. As detailed in Forsa evaluation reports, matching Takaful beneficiaries with jobs in the private sector is a major challenge from the perspective of households. In this policy note, we examine the challenges from the perspective of potential employers. We review literature of the market failures that may contribute to difficulties with job matching in rural Egypt and present results from a small telephone survey of Forsa employers.

Gender, Social Inequalities and Application of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices among Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

Décembre, 2022

Farmers in Ghana have suffered from the effects of climate change. These negative effects are more severe among women and youth farming groups. Research in Ghana has been focused on developing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices to mitigate the negative effect of climate change on farmers productivity. The study uses baseline data from the Accelerating impacts of CGIAR climate research for Africa (AICCRA) project to analyze social inequalities and gender dimensions in the application of CSA practices among maize, cowpea, yam, sweet potato and tomato farmers in Ghana.

AICCRA 2023 Partnership Survey Results Report

Décembre, 2022

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) is a USD 60 million three-year project, funded by the World Bank and led by CIAT, with participating partners from seven countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal and Zambia. This report provides an overview of two Satisfaction Surveys that were disseminated to partners to gather their feedback on three of the intermediate Project Indicators (IPI), as laid out in the Project Implementation Arrangements.

Pourquoi aller au tribunal si l’on n’exécute pas la décision du juge ?

Conference Papers & Reports
Septembre, 2022

Ces dernières années, le nombre de conflits d’héritage gérés par le tribunal de première instance de Cotonou a considérablement augmenté. Pourtant, même lorsqu’une décision est rendue, peu de familles exécutent le jugement. Partant de ce constat, cet article vise à comprendre la manière dont les héritiers comprennent et utilisent le droit dans la capitale béninoise. La justice y est mobilisée pour agir sur les hiérarchies familiales et l’accès aux ressources – un objectif qui ne nécessite pas toujours de respecter la décision du juge.

La sobriété : Valeur et levier d’action de la jeunesse face à une crise multidimensionnelle

Reports & Research
Juin, 2022
Après un débat sur « La sobriété sous le regard de la jeunesse » le 7 juillet dernier, le Comité 21 publie une nouvelle note qui évoque le rôle des jeunes dans la transformation structurelle nécessaire pour répondre aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux de la société.

Cette note fait suite à une première publication du Comité 21 qui définissait la sobriété comme fil vert de la transformation. Pour poursuivre la réflexion, nous nous sommes interrogés sur le rôle de la jeunesse pour conduire cette transformation sobre.

LAND-at-scale Burkina Faso

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2021
Burkina Faso

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Burkina Faso. This project is implemented by Nitidae, Observatoire National du Foncier Burkina Faso (ONF-BF), Oxfam Burkina Faso, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Youth Hold the Key.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2021

The future belongs to youth. But in many parts of the world, young women and men lack the means and the opportunity to build livelihoods and fully participate in their communities. This is especially true in rural areas, where agriculture is the foundation of the economy, but land rights remain out of reach.

Consider the case of sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 10-12 million young people enter the workforce each year, but only 4 million new jobs are created, leaving the majority of young workers either unemployed or settling for menial and informal work.

Discriminatory Cultural Practices On Youths And Women’S Access To Family Land Among The Ndali: Insights From Local Leaders In The Southern Highlands Zone In Tanzania

Décembre, 2021
United States of America

This paper presents empirical evidences of cultural barriers to women and the youths in accessing family land among the Ndali tribe, drawing insights on the cultural practices and social norms. The evidence emanates from discussions with local leaders: members of Village Land Councils and members of the Village Councils from six villages namely Itumba, Isongole, Nyenzebwe, Mlale, Ilulu and Izuba.

Réformes Pour Réguler L'Accaparement Des Terres Au Profit Des Jeunes En Afrique De L’Ouest Francophone : Cas Du Bénin Et Du Sénégal.

Décembre, 2021
United States of America

Context and background Land grabbing has been in the news in Africa in recent years. Fertile land is increasingly falling into the hands of national or international private investors. Farmers with rudimentary means, youth, women, indigenous people, and pastoralists are the actors most affected by large-scale land grabs. Fertile land is becoming increasingly scarce and the public authorities do not seem to be determined to put in place safeguards to regulate this situation.

Gender differences in climate-smart adaptation practices amongst bean-producing farmers in Malawi: The case of Linthipe Extension Planning Area

Décembre, 2021

Agriculture is amongst the vulnerable sectors to climate change and its associated impacts. Most women are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change than men. Climate Smart Agriculture ensures increased productivity thereby enabling food security, income security and wealth creation amongst the farming households. A study was carried out to understand the gender differences in access and use of climate-smart agriculture, challenges and solutions that men and women farmers use to adapt to climate change.

Impact of intensive youth participation in agriculture on rural households' revenue: evidence from rice farming households in Nigeria

Décembre, 2021

The youth unemployment situation is an essential component of the current agricultural policy agenda of the Federal Government of Nigeria. Deep-rooted debates on finding a lasting solution to this problem using agriculture have been targeted as one of the panaceas. Using data from 207 systematically selected rice-producing households, this study employed the Propensity Score Matching method (PSM) and the Inverse Probability Weighted Regression Adjustment method (IPWRA) to examine the effect of intensive youth participation in agriculture on productivity and household revenue in Nigeria.