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AICCRA Zambia Additional Finance Stakeholder Consultation Report

Décembre, 2022

This report presents the outcomes of Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Zambia Stakeholder Consultation Workshop for Additional Financing (AF). The consultation was held on September 21, 2023, from 09:00 to 14:00 CAT at the Inter-Continental Hotel, Lusaka. In total, 100 participants (31 females and 14 youth) participated in the consultation.

CIP contributes to policy discourse on accelerating economic growth and development for arid and semi-arid counties in Kenya

Décembre, 2022

The International Potato Center (CIP) participated in the 6th Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) Annual Regional Conference held at Pwani University, Kilifi County from 21st to 23rd June. The conference brought together policy experts, stakeholders, youth, academia, policymakers, researchers, and development partners to discuss policy reforms, sustainable agriculture, infrastructure development, natural resource management, and digital innovation for unlocking the potential of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs).

Training of Trainers (ToT) on the dissemination of CSA practices and CIS toward increasing the productivity of target crops

Décembre, 2022

Sustainable environmentally, economically viable, and socially acceptable ways are important factors in increasing food production and achieving food security. To achieve increasing food production, the capacity development of key stakeholders especially extension agents and youth farmers is of great necessity, toward increasing the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices.

Towards a common vision of climate, peace and security in Zambia: Workshop memory

Décembre, 2022

Zambia has historically qualified as a regional model of stability and peace. However, this status is being undermined by several socio-political factors, including deeply entrenched patterns of social inequality and gender discrimination, high levels of poverty and youth unemployment, as well as recurring episodes of electoral violence. Climate and extreme weather events compound most of these vulnerabilities and even create new ones, generating societal dynamics that will likely increase social tensions with greater risk of insecurity.

Stakeholder Mapping, Social Network and Multi-Stakeholder Strategies Analysis in Mali’s Small Ruminant Value Chain, Plus a Dive into Multi-Stakeholder Innovation Platforms as a Form & Driver of Inclusive SAPLING Innovation Packages

Décembre, 2022

Within the framework of the CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy, CGIAR is
actively engaged in a series of initiatives aimed at realizing a world with sustainable and
resilient food, land, and water systems. These initiatives have the overarching goal of
fostering more diverse, healthy, safe, sufficient, and affordable diets while ensuring
improved livelihoods and greater social equality, all while operating within global and
regional environmental boundaries. One of these significant initiatives is the CGIAR

Climate-related migration and the climate-security-migration nexus in the Central American Dry Corridor

Décembre, 2022

The Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) is among the most climate-vulnerable regions worldwide. Climate change, commonly referred to as a “threat multiplier” of pre-existing socioeconomic issues, already undermines rural livelihoods by reducing agricultural yields and income opportunities. This paper provides a review of climate-related migration in the CADC region while identifying the specific pathways by which climate change manifests itself as a threat multiplier to migration.

Reviving smallholder hill farming by involving rural youth in food system transformation and promoting community-based agri-ecotourism: A case of Uttarakhand State in North-Western India

Décembre, 2022

Until recent decades, labour-intensive subsistence farming was a way of life and livelihood in the hill communities of Uttarakhand, India. However, the nature of agriculture falls far short of the expectations of the main labour force, the rural youth, leading to their mass migration to non-agricultural occupations. The large-scale youth migration has left many hill farming landscapes depopulated and farmlands abandoned. As youth have special stakes in food systems, they must be included in the sustainable transformation of food systems.

Decentralized Solutions for Water Management organized at India Water Week (Nov 2022)

Décembre, 2022

An insightful session on the topic “Decentralized Solutions for Water Management” was organized at India Water Week on 3rd November 2022 under CGIAR Initiative on National Policies & Strategies (NPS). The session was chaired by Dr. Anu Garg, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Water Resources, Odisha and Ms. Archana Verma, Mission Director, National Water Mission. The session emphasized the need to identify decentralized solutions for managing water through appropriate technologies and new ideas.

Comments to the African Union Commission on the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

Décembre, 2022

The Africa Union Commission (AUC) drafted an African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan (AFSH) and a Soil Initiative for Africa (SIA) for launching at the Africa Fertilizer summit in June 2023. The AFSH is a ten-year (2023-2033) plan to provide guidance on integrated soil fertility maintenance, including the correct use of fertilizer to ensure soil health in Africa. The SIA is a practical initiative to develop an African system for soil management and to implement actions at the continental, sub-regional, and country levels.