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Tears and Paint

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2007

Migrant artist shares his earnings with the refugees who people his canvases...

"Suffering from depression and weighed down by the hardships of life in Burma, Maung Maung Tinn finally decided to leave his home town, Moulmein, capital of Mon State. That was in 1994.

Where Are They Now?

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2007

Correspondent Anne Fletcher meets former activists of the 88 Generation who made new lives o­n the other side of the world...

"The menacing group of five soldiers emerged from Rangoon’s city hall, knelt down and aimed their guns at the protesters. Tin Maung Htoo, a 16-year-old high school student, sat tight, linking arms with others in the front row.

The first shots Tin Maung Htoo heard, however, sounded like machine gun fire from armored cars sweeping round both sides of the Sule Pagoda o­n that August night, 19 years ago.

Burma Army

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2007

Die Armee der SPDC Militärdiktatur ist mittlerweile auf eine Truppenstärke von 500.000 Soldaten angewachsen und jetzt selbst nur noch durch ein System der Angst zu kontrollieren. Fast jeder hat einen Vorgesetzten und die Exekution ist nur einen Schuß entfernt. Der militärische Geheimdienst ist überall und selbst die höheren Ränge werden oft ‘Reinigungen’ nach sowietischem Vorbild unterzogen. Karen; Flüchtlinge; Burma Army; Refugees

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2006: 17. Chapter 14: The Situation of Refugees

Reports & Research
Juin, 2007

Burmese Refugees in Thailand:
2006 Demographics of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Thailand ;
Thai Government Policy towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers;
Change of the Thai Government;
Policy for Refugees in the Camps;
Detained, Arrested and Deported Refugees;
The UNHCR and the Refugee Status Determination Process;
Situation of Women in Refugee Camps;
Situation of Children in Refugee Camps;
Situation of Specific Ethnic Groups of the Refugee Population;

Returnees Land Access: Lessons from Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2007

This background briefing reports on a study of land access
for returnees in Rwanda, and the impacts of land access
policies in the post-conflict period. It also seeks to
understand better the roles international humanitarian
agencies and NGOs have played, and how their performance
can be improved. It is not suggested that Rwanda is typical,
but rather that the centrality of land issues there has thrown
up a revealing set of broader questions.

Wildlife Conservation for Tourism Investments or Villagers' Livelihoods?

Reports & Research
Mai, 2007

A fact-finding mission team was formed as a result of consultative meetings on the land dispute between the village government and pastoralists in Vilima Vitatu village in Babati district. The team was comprised of the following members: Kassian Mshomba (LHRC), Seif Mangwangi (Majira), Diana Mawalla (PINGOs Forum), Hamadi Sadick, Emmanuel Cornel (PINGOs Forum), Asraji Mvungi (ITV), Rodgers Luhwago (The Citizen), Bakari Mnkondo (Uhuru), Bernard Baha (HakiArdhi) and Chambi Chachage (Independent Researcher).

Violência e projetos de vida em conflitos pela posse da terra

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2007

Neste artigo, apoiados em referenciais empíricos retirados das lutas pela posse da terra, sugerimos que, como instrumento, a violência parece ser caracterizada pelo fato de ser uma forma especial de lidar com a questão da anomia. Isso admitido, propomos que os mecanismos de produção e de reprodução da violência são mecanismos de produção e de reprodução da heteronomia da vontade. É o que nos coloca a importância de uma discussão sobre os projetos de vida. Palavras-chave: Violência. Conflitos pela terra. Projetos de vida. Imaginário social.

A Little Burma in Fort Wayne

Reports & Research
Mai, 2007

Burmese residents of a US city still find it hard to escape the politics of their homeland...

"Than Myint arrived in the “land of opportunities” as a refugee nine years ago, together with her husband and children. A native of Rangoon, Than Myint now lives in Fort Wayne, a city of some 200,000 people in the US state of Indiana. Now in her late 50s, she has learned how to survive and lead a satisfactory life in the US—the kind of existence she would never have been able to enjoy in Burma...