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Reports & Research
Novembre 2015

The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) assessed the legal frameworks for major resource sectors in Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique to analyze whether and to what extent they enable sustainable investments. Relevant…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2015

Quarenta anos após a conquista da independência, a 25 de Junho de 1975, Moçambique continua a viver sob um clima de incerteza política em que os dois principais partidos, a Frelimo e a Renamo, estão quase sempre em conflito. Com efeito, após cerca de vinte anos de relativa paz, resultante da…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2015

Ces dix dernières années, le Mozambique est devenu une cible privilégiée de la ruée mondiale vers les terres. Les investissements croissants dans les secteurs de l’exploitation minière, des hydrocarbures, des plantations de forêts et de l’agriculture industrielle visent le plus souvent des…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2015

Mozambique has become a hot spot in the global rush for land in the last decade. Growing investments in sectors such as mining, hydrocarbons, forest plantations and industrial agriculture most often target rural land held by local communities under customary law, and conflicts between…

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre 2015

Land degradation and desertification are among the biggest environmental challenges of our time. In the last 40 years, we lost nearly a third of the world’s arable farmland due to erosion, just as the number of people to be fed from it almost doubled. That’s why the UN General Assembly declared…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2015

This publication contains key messages from the International Conference on the Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector, organized by FAO and held online in February 2015. It summarizes key points from 51 technical presentations and panel and plenary discussions of 6…

Reports & Research
Octobre 2015

The Testing REDD+ socioeconomic baseline study of the Beira landscape corridor confirmed the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation as unsustainable agriculture practices, including shifting cultivation and fire used to clear land, to hunt and to collect honey. The role of hunting and…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2015

Uncertainties in the international carbon market make it imperative the UN’s REDD+ framework engages a wider spectrum of the private sector than just international companies and investors. Countries with REDD+ programmes should work with their domestic private sector to provide the missing…

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre 2015

Vers des fonds forestiers nationaux efficaces aborde le besoin de disposer de davantage d’informations sur la manière dont les FFN fonctionnent et sur la manière de les créer et les gérer de manière optimale. Les leçons tirées de l’instauration et de la gestion de FFN sont partagées afin de…

Conference Papers & Reports
Septembre 2015

Oportunidades, Desafios, e Prioridades.

Legislation & Policies
Septembre 2015

O objectivo último deste relatório é encorajar mais e maior investimento na terra, incluindo encontrando formas de tornar o acesso à terra mais fácil para os investidores privados. No seguimento de uma análise abrangente da lei da terra e de outras leis pertinentes, o relatório identifica…

Legislation & Policies
Septembre 2015

The ultimate objective of the report is to encourage greater and more productive investment on land,
including finding ways to make land access easier for private investors. After a full review of the land and other relevant laws, the report identifies problems with the existing legal…