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Association for Land Reform and Rural Development



ALRD envisions a Bangladesh where upholding the rights of the citizen is the cornerstone of the State and where the State is pro-actively pursuing the promotion and strengthening of the rights of poor and the marginalized, including the most vulnerable of the society; landless peasants, indigenous peoples, women and religious and other minority communities. ALRD further aspires for a Bangladesh that adopts secularism as key guiding principle and gender equity and social justice are considered as key objectives of all its undertakings.


MIFUMI is an international non-government women’s rights organisation based in Uganda. MIFUMI’s work revolves around protection of women and children experiencing violence and other forms of abuse. MIFUMI believes that if women are empowered they can rise above many of the cultural traditions that hold them back,such as Bride Price. If women are to realise their full potential, they can become the greatest contributors to development.

All-China Women's Federation


The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) was founded on April 3, 1949. It is a mass organization that unites Chinese women of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life, and strives for their liberation and development. The mission of ACWF is to represent and uphold women's rights and interests, and to promote equality between women and men.

Women's Media Centre of Cambodia


The Women's Media Centre of Cambodia (Khmer: មណ្ឌលព័ត៌មានស្ត្រីកម្ពុជា), commonly known as WMC is a Cambodian non-governmental, non profit media organization. WMC delivers national awareness and informative programs on a diverse range of issues affecting contemporary Cambodia, with a special focus on the roles and rights of Cambodian women

Source: Wikipedia

Legal and Human Rights Centre


The Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) is a private, autonomous, voluntary non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit sharing organization envisioning a just and equitable society. It has a mission of empowering the people of Tanzania, so as to promote, reinforce and safeguard human rights and good governance in the country.  The broad objective is to create legal and human rights awareness among the public and in particular the underprivileged section of society through legal and civic education, advocacy linked with legal aid provision, research and human rights monitoring.

Tanzania Women Lawyers Association


Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) is an NGO founded in 1989 and officially registered in 1990. The founding members comprised a professional group of women lawyers who felt the need for an organization that could promote an environment guaranteeing equal rights and access to all by focusing on vulnerable and marginalised groups especially women and children. The founding members also recognised the need for women lawyers to foster mutual support for each other in professional advancement and social responsibility. TAWLA has more than 570 members

Women Legal Aid Centre


A non-profit NGO that works to empower women to attain their rights and to improve vulnerable population’s access to justice across Tanzania.


  • To provide legal aid services to women and children so as to safeguard their rights and improve their livelihoods.
  • To facilitate the establishment and strengthening of paralegal units across Tanzania to foster community-based education on legal and human rights, and to improve timely access to quality legal aid.

Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária


O Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária, Incra, é uma autarquia federal cuja missão prioritária é executar a reforma agrária e realizar o ordenamento fundiário nacional.

Criado pelo Decreto nº 1.110, de 9 de julho de 1970, atualmente o Incra está implantado em todo o território nacional por meio de 30 superintendências regionais.

Missão do Incra:

Implementar a política de reforma agrária e realizar o ordenamento fundiário nacional, 

contribuindo para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável.

Revista Brasileira de Estudos Estratégicos


A Revista Brasileira de Estu­dos Estratégi­cos (REST) visa o desen­volvi­mento do pen­sa­mento estratégico brasileiro, prin­ci­pal­mente no campo dos estu­dos da defesa e da segu­rança, da trans­fer­ên­cia de ciên­cia e tec­nolo­gia via indús­tria mil­i­tar, das relações inter­na­cionais, das políti­cas públi­cas, das inter­faces entre forças armadas e sociedade, entre out­ras. Espe­cial atenção será con­ferida aos tra­bal­hos rel­a­tivos ao avanço de metodolo­gias e con­ceitos ino­vadores na área.

Fórum Brasileiro de Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional


O Fórum Brasileiro de Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (FBSSAN), criado em 1998, articula pessoas, organizações, redes, movimentos sociais e instituições de pesquisa na luta pelo Direito Humano à Alimentação. Busca sensibilizar para uma visão mais ampla da questão, trabalhando com variadas perspectivas do sistema alimentar: produção, processamento, abastecimento e consumo.

FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO Latin America & the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean was the first region to commit to the complete eradication of hunger through the 2025 Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative. This renewed political commitment is based on the full conviction that eradicating hunger in the Region is an achievable target.

Latin America and the Caribbean is at the forefront of the global fight against hunger. It is the Region that has made the most progress in reducing the percentage and total number of people suffering from hunger in the past 20 years.

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