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Issues orphans land rights related Blog post
There are 23 content items of different types and languages related to orphans land rights on the Land Portal.
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Land Portal Announces a New Donor and Board Members

01 December 2020
Ms. Laura Meggiolaro

The COVID-19 crisis has made 2020 the most challenging year in our lifetime. It has demonstrated the need to ensure that sustainable and equitable land governance remains a priority on the international agenda. The pandemic also underscored the importance of digital platforms for both maintaining access to data and information and providing a space people can trust.

For our food and our future – Join the global mobilization for land rights now!

15 October 2018
Luca Miggiano

The world would be a pretty dull and hungry place if it weren’t for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Indigenous Peoples and local communities play a central role in feeding the world. They look after much of the world’s biodiversity, with at least 80% of planet’s biodiversity found in Indigenous territories and waters. And they have an incredible track record of protecting the climate by preventing deforestation and properly managing pasturelands.