land ownership related News | Land Portal
There are 4,946 content items of different types and languages related to land ownership on the Land Portal.
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13 February 2024

De 8,6 millones de hectáreas vendidas entre 2000 y 2019 en Uruguay, más de 6 millones fueron, por vía de la excepción, a sociedades anónimas, en su mayoría extranjeras

Organic Farm, Vinales, Cuba
7 August 2018
Cuba entrega en usufructo de tierras sin cultivar fue una de las primeras reformas económicas emprendidas por el expresidente Raúl Castro para reanimar la agricultura, un sector vital para la economía de la isla comunista.

15 July 2023
Sub-Saharan Africa

While land that is legally designated or owned by indigenous, Afro-descendant, and local communities worldwide between 2015 and 2020 has risen in acreage, in sub-Saharan Africa the opposite applies, says a report by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI): It decreased by 2.4 million hectares (Mha) – from 9.6 percent of land across the 23 countries in Africa analysed as of 2015 to 9.4 percent of land across the same countries in 2020.

Untitled picture
9 March 2023
Southern Asia

Secure land rights for women and girls are linked to increased women’s leadership and autonomy, enhanced economic opportunities, better social security, safety and dignified societal standing.

Bolat Nazarbayev
3 February 2023

Authorities have apparently confiscated vast swathes of land from the unpopular brother of Kazakhstan’s first president, with the ruling Amanat party keen to take the credit as parliamentary elections loom.

6 January 2023

The Punjab government is starting a new land record system, but the revenue record of 460 mouzas (villages) in the district of Rawalpindi is still incomplete.

Struggle. Peasant protest last year in front of the Ministry of Agriculture.
13 August 2020

Mientras las tierras malhabidas siguen impunes, las pequeñas familias productoras pierden sus territorios, según estudios. Caaguazú perdió 16.214 hectáreas y Canindeyú 30.000 hectáreas.

Land ownership for Malawians
7 December 2022

Deputy Minister of Lands, Deus Gumba .“There has been an outcry that foreigners are taking over our land. The current land law has been amended with an aim of protecting the land from foreign citizens’ ownership”.

The pandemic triggered the aspiration among NRI’s to own a home back in India
28 November 2022

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, an increasing number of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) are investing in real estate properties in India.

Bangladesh's indigenous Santal people demand justice six years after being attacked and driven out of their ancestral land
8 November 2022

Indigenous Santal people in Bangladesh remember the deadly clashes that led to their eviction from their ancestral land six years ago.




A Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – APIB é uma instância de aglutinação e referência nacional do movimento indígena no Brasil, que nasceu com o propósito de:

– fortalecer a união dos povos indígenas, a articulação entre as diferentes regiões e organizações indígenas do país;
– unificar as lutas dos povos indígenas, a pauta de reivindicações e demandas e a política do movimento indígena;
– mobilizar os povos e organizações indígenas do país contra as ameaças e agressões aos direitos indígenas.

Community Land Scotland was established in 2010 as a response to the need for a collective voice for community landowners in Scotland. It is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status.

Our current membership includes Scottish community landowners – owning and managing approx. 500,000 acres between them – and aspiring community landowners of varying shapes and sizes throughout Scotland.

A Fundação Nacional do Índio – FUNAI é o órgão indigenista oficial do Estado brasileiro. Criada por meio da Lei nº 5.371, de 5 de dezembro de 1967, vinculada ao Ministério da Justiça, é a coordenadora e principal executora da política indigenista do Governo Federal. Sua missão institucional é proteger e promover os direitos dos povos indígenas no Brasil.

El INC tiene como misión promover una racional subdivisión de la tierra y su adecuada explotación, procurando el aumento y mejora de la producción agropecuaria y la radicación y bienestar del
trabajador rural.

A team of bachelors students from the 2016-2019 class of the European Law School Programme working with data collected by students from the 2017-2020 class of the European Law School Programme with the aim of creating a summary of the land laws for multiple countries.


The team consists of: Bert Brookfield-Hird, Alexandra Aldous, Lisa Beatrice Ferrari, Doris Beganović, Magda Jacyna and Ines Garreau.

O MMTR-NE nasceu na década de 80 a partir das reflexões e do intercâmbio de trabalhadoras rurais dos estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba. Com o intuito de superar as dificuldades na relação de gênero, as feministas rurais desses dois estados realizaram um encontro que reuniu mulheres de todo o Nordeste e contribui para que, em 1986, o Movimento da Mulher Trabalhadora Rural do Nordeste fosse construído.

Resource Equity

Resource Equity is a women-run and women-centered nonprofit organization that focuses exclusively on legal issues specific to gender equity in land and natural resources around the world.

A Terra de Direitos é uma organização de Direitos Humanos que atua na defesa, na promoção e na efetivação de direitos, especialmente os econômicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais (Dhesca).

A organização surgiu em Curitiba (PR), em 2002, para atuar em situações de conflitos coletivos relacionados ao acesso à terra e aos territórios rural e urbano. Atualmente, a Terra de Direitos incide nacional e internacionalmente nas temáticas de direitos humanos e conta com escritórios em Santarém (PA), em Curitiba (PR) e em Brasília (DF).


Some of East Africa's most traditional pastoralist and hunter-gatherer communities are currently at great risk of loosing their land and resources due to progressive land encroachment and lack of representation in modern Tanzania. 

​UCRT works to empower marginalised people in the rangelands of northern Tanzania to secure rights to their natural resources and land. 

UCRT helps these communities by representing their land rights, advocating on their behalf to local and national government, and  securing legal ownership of their traditional lands.


The Working Group for women and land ownership (WGWLO), is a network of 41 NGOs, CBOs and individuals in Gujarat, working on the issue of agriculture land ownership from livelihood, security, rights and empowerment angle for women. These are CBOs and NGOs spread in more than 15 districts of Gujarat, working at the rural grass roots level since 2003.

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