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There are 6, 570 content items of different types and languages related to land on the Land Portal.
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Foreign agriculture investments don’t always threaten food security: the case of Madagascar

15 April 2021

Large-scale land acquisitions have been increasing in developing countries following the 2007/8 high food price crisis. Countries with limited agricultural potential, like Gulf states, have been driving foreign acquisitions in developing countries. Many developing country governments see these investments as an opportunity to increase foreign direct investment and employment opportunities for rural communities.

LandVoc and Wikidata: the story begins

12 August 2019
Carlos Tejo

At the Land Portal, we are always trying to align with other open initiatives, and Wikidata is one of them. Wikidata was created as a central collaboratively edited knowledge base, adding semantics to the pieces that conforms it so computers can understand the relationships between these pieces. This solution is addressing the issue of updating/creating the same knowledge in different language’s wikipedias, where you had to go one by one in order to edit and change it.

The Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Surveying Industry, Cadastre and Land Registry Systems

16 July 2019
John Dean Markunas



I. Introduction to Blockchain Technology

II. Overview of the Surveying Industry

III. Surveying and Blockchain

IV. Types of Blockchains  

V. The Case for Blockchain in the Real Estate Industry

VI. Blockchain, Surveying, Land Registry and Cadastre 

VII. Blockchain Registry Integration Levels

VIII. The Future of Blockchain for Real Estate

IX. Conclusion


Glossary — Blockchain Terminology

The​ first​ Environmental​ Impact​ Assessment​ (EIA)​ portal​ in​ Cambodia

15 March 2019

Cambodia​ aims​ to​ fasten​ its​ economic​ growth​ while​ fully​ committing​ to​ sustainable​ development.​ To​ avoid​ adverse​ impacts​ from​ the​ development​ and​ promote​ long​ term​ benefits​ to​ economic,​ social​ and​ environmental​ change,​ the​ practice​ of​ Environmental​ Impact​ Assessment​ (EIA)​ shall​ be​ enforced.​ And​ since​ EIA​ has​ become​ an​ essential​ feature​ of​ sustainable​ development​ for​ improving​ well-being​ and​ equity​ from​ the​ development,​ the​ public​ must​ fully​ participate​ in​ policy​ debates​ and​ seek​ legal​ redress​ and​ claim​ what​ they​ dese

Boycotting palm oil won’t help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

25 February 2019
Joseph Feyertag

Agriculture represents a key sector in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially when it comes to lifting close to a billion people out of rural poverty. We can’t ignore that many millions of poor households continue to depend primarily on farming. Without investment, they remain locked in deprivation, unable to afford better seed and fertiliser or install irrigation that would raise earnings.

Results of the Land Portal User Survey

13 August 2018
Laura Meggiolaro

Dear Land Portal users,

First and foremost, on behalf of the Land Portal team, I would like to thank those of you for taking the time out of your very busy schedules to complete our user survey. We are continuously trying to improve our services, and unlike many other websites, the Land Portal is a community in which dialogue and exchange of ideas are the cornerstone of what we do every day. Your feedback on our services is therefore crucial and invaluable to us!