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Association For Rural Advancement


AFRA is a land rights advocacy non-governmental organisation (NGO) working since 1979 to support marginalised black rural people, with a focus on farm dwellers. We are working towards an inclusive, gender equitable society where rights are valued, realised and protected, essential services are delivered, and land tenure is secure. We work intensively with communities in and around the uMgungundlovu District Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and extensively in offering support and advice.

Tshintsha Amakhaya


Tshintsha Amakhaya is a civil society alliance for land and food justice in South Africa. Rural women and men stand united in solidarity to advance their rights and secure livelihoods.

Our members are farm workers, farm dwellers, smallholder farmers, fisher folk, forest dwellers, livestock keepers, people on communal land and people on church land

Transkei Land Service Organisation


Vision: Eastern Cape communities participate in robust redistributive rural economies that fully meet their livelihoods needs.

Mission: Transkei Land Services Organisation advocates for and facilities equal, secured access to land and other natural resources to promote land rights and sustainable livelihoods for resource poor rural communities in the Eastern Cape.

Teto Brasil

Somos TETO, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que trabalha por uma sociedade justa e sem pobreza, onde todas as pessoas tenham as oportunidades para desenvolver suas capacidades e exercer plenamente seus direitos.

Há 10 anos no Brasil, o TETO trabalha pela defesa dos direitos de pessoas que vivem em favelas precárias, diminuindo sua vulnerabilidade por meio do engajamento comunitário e mobilização de jovens voluntários e voluntárias.

Action Aid Brasil

Organização internacional que trabalha por justiça social, igualdade de gênero e pelo fim da pobreza. Fomos fundados em 1972 e estamos presentes em 45 países, alcançando mais de 15 milhões de pessoas no mundo. No Brasil desde 1999, atuamos em mais de 2.4 mil comunidades e beneficiamos mais de 300 mil pessoas. Trabalhamos em parceria com comunidades e organizações locais em projetos de educação, agroecologia e clima, igualdade de gênero e participação e democracia.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics


The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is an international non-profit organization that undertakes scientific research for development.

Our approach is through partnerships and with an Inclusive Market Oriented Development.

Partnerships are critical as ICRISAT takes a catalyst role to help rural communities develop their own solutions and engage

the actors needed to bring the vision to reality.

Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform - Republic of South Africa


The Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) was created in 2009. For the first time in its history, the country would have a ministry dedicated to the social and economic development of rural South Africa; committed to ensuring that South Africans residing in rural areas enjoyed the same benefits as their urban cousins, so that that they too were covered by the blanket of human rights and basic dignity guaranteed in our Constitution.

Save the Children

The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.


The Grow Africa partnership was founded jointly by the African Union (AU), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD Agency) and the World Economic Forum in 2011. Grow Africa works to increase private sector investment in agriculture, and accelerate the execution and impact of investment commitments. The aim is to enable countries to realize the potential of the agriculture sector for economic growth and job creation, particularly among farmers, women and youth.

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