Join the Debate / Webinars
The Land Portal organizes dynamic and well-prepared discussions that have a lasting impact, getting to the bottom of the issues at hand. This approach contributes to building communities of practice, ensuring a diversity of stakeholder engagement and providing lasting results through professional recordings that may be consulted for years to come. We look forward to having you participate in our upcoming webinars.
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Webinar: The role of land certification in securing women’s land rights on collective lands
How can formalization of collectively held land rights secure women’s rights?
Webinar: The State of Support for Open Data in Land Governance
"Where are the opportunities to take forward an ambitious transparency, anti-corruption and open data agenda in the land sector?"
The role of indigenous communities in reducing climate change through sustainable land use practices
Webinar: Tech and Transparency - democratizing data and empowering communities with cutting-edge technologies
A lack of transparency in the land and property sector prevents individuals, communities and governments from unlocking the value of the property as an asset, and undermines policies and legal frameworks that aim to provide land tenure security, potentially leading to a misallocation of rights. In fact, land governance is ranked among the sectors in which people are most likely to pay bribes for access to services, according to Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer.
Webinar: Land in Post-Conflict Settings
Post-war societies not only have to deal with continuing unpeaceful relations but also land-related conflict legacies, farmland and forest degradation, heavily exploited natural resources, land mines, a destroyed infrastructure, as well as returning refugees and ex-combatants. In the aftermath of war, access to and control of land often remains a sensitive issue which may precipitate tensions and lead to a renewed destabilization of volatile post-conflict situations.
Webinar: the Challenges and Opportunities of Community Land Dispensation in Kenya
The Community Land Act of 2016 provides a legal basis for protection, recognition and registration of community lands and has provisions for management and administration of the land by the communities themselves. However, implementation of the act has been slower than anticipated. This is despite the current heightened investment interests in community lands for mega development projects.
Webinar: The Gender Imperatives of Land Reforms in Kenya
Land reforms in Kenya over the past decade provide for women’s land rights, yet women have not benefited from these reforms. The constitutional provisions promoting gender equity and equality have not been implemented.
Webinar: Realizing women’s land rights in Africa
In October 2016, women farmers from 22 countries across Africa climbed the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro to claim women’s rights for access to and control over land and natural resources. This event coincided with the launch of a campaign of the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) to reach the target of having 30 percent of all registered land in the name of women by 2025 and to embed women’s land rights into the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Women Inheriting Land: Rights and Realities
Land Rights for Slum Dwellers in the East Indian State Odisha: Making technology work for the urban poor
The Land Portal Foundation and the NRMC Center for Land Governance partnered with key organizations to hold a series of three webinars leading up to the third annual India Land and Development Conference (ILDC), which took place from 12-14 March, 2019.
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