This brochure provides an overview of the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP) implemented by the German Development Cooperation <em>Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)</em>. It points out the relevance of land rights for reducing hunger and conflicts as…
The joint East Asia Pacific (EAP) and South Asia (SAR) Regional Workshop explored the complexities of effective land and property valuation amid rapid urbanization, under the overarching theme “Breaking Barriers: Access to Land and Poverty Reduction and Climate Resilience.” The session…
The joint East Asia Pacific (EAP) and South Asia (SAR) Regional Workshop highlighted the importance of strengthening land tenure to achieve a sustainable and inclusive future. The event was part of the broader theme “Breaking Barriers: Access to Land and Poverty Reduction and Climate Resilience…
The session explored innovative investment models aimed at transforming agrifood systems by prioritizing both land and people, with a focus on sustainable and equitable practices. Highlighting two key projects—Transformative Land Investments (TLI) and Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG)—the…
The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and rights over forest areas in the region. More than 70 million people in the region depend on forest areas but lack formal…
As part of the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy in Ethiopia, Laos and Uganda, the Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) project, co-financed by the European Union (EU), aims to ensure that investments in land are fair, productive and contribute to sustainable land…
This brochure is designed to help local communities who may be affected by land-based investments to prepare, know what to expect, negotiate and engage with a proposed investment in their community.
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The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on access to land and its secure longterm use. Land access and use have long been organized through informal or traditional tenure rights, but this is changing. In many regions, land use is being transformed by the…
This handbook aims to help local communities affected by an investment to access a company-based grievance mechanism, official government conflict resolution mechanisms or village-level mediation when they feel that investors violate their rights or have a concern about the investment operation…
This guide aims to help investors identify the impacts and mitigation measures to minimize the impacts of the proposed investments in the agricultural and forestry sector in Laos. Further, the document provides guides on measures for environmental and social safeguards throughout the investment…
This guides provides steps that investors have to take to establish an agricultural and forestry investment in Laos, and the key processes involved e.g. land acquisition and clearing, labour, import and export in the investment operation, and social and environmental rehabilitation in the…