How to feed the world without degrading land and water resources, eroding biodiversity and contributing to climate change is among the greatest challenges of our times. FAO works with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to support member countries in addressing the critical nexus between…
This paper attempts to summarize available knowledge, and identify the gaps in that knowledge, on marine fisheries and fishery resources in the Bay of Bengal region. It provides information on Bangladesh, Burma, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand—their marine fisheries…
Meeting Name: Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)
Meeting symbol/code: APFIC/18/INF-10
This publication provides practical and evidence-based guidance on how to improve women’s access to land as an essential element to achieve social and economic development and enjoyment of human rights, peace and stability in the specific context of the Muslim world. The challenges faced by…
Meeting Name: Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC)
Meeting symbol/code: FO:APFC/2016/8
Session: Sess. 26
L’Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales 2015 est le fruit d’un effort collectif des pays, ayant impliqué quelque 300 correspondants nationaux, la FAO et ses partenaires. Mis en oeuvre par six partenaires dans le cadre de divers processus, le Questionnaire concerté sur les ressources…
The water resources of the atolls of the Republic of the Maldives are under continual threat from climatic and anthropogenic stresses, such as changing rainfall patterns, sea-level rise, and contamination from human activities and climatic events. Groundwater, a historically important resource…
The water resources of the atolls of the Republic of Maldives are under continual threat from climatic and anthropogenic stresses, including land surface pollution, increasing population, drought, and sea-level rise (SLR). These threats are particularly acute for groundwater resources due to the…
Almost every nation is now a signatory to the Convention on Climate Change. The first Conference of Parties (COP) was held in Berlin in 1995. Two decades since, we have come a long way, but we have yet to reach the ultimate objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that…
Investments in water have played a critical role in promoting socio-economic development in rural Asia. Sustainable management of water resources remains a prerequisite for development and reducing poverty and hunger. Water is a key factor affecting agricultural production and reduction of rural…
This publication presents the outcome of the twenty-fifth session of the Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics (APCAS) held in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic from 18 to 21 February 2014. Attended by 87 participants, including 64 delegates from 19 APCAS member…