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December 2004

The constitution was approved by the National Assembly.

Journal Articles & Books
November 2004

Política de Desarrollo Agrícola – Conceptos y Experiencias forma parte de las actividades de la FAO destinadas a generar contextos de política favorables a la agricultura, tanto globales, en el marco de regulaciones y compromisos internacionales, como nacionales, mediante estrategias y políticas…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2004

En el presente documento se examinan diversos casos de proyectos en que se aplicaron enfoques o principios basados en los modos de vida sostenibles y que, como consecuencia de ello, surtieron un efecto concreto en la reducción de la pobreza. Puesto que no se trata de un estudio comparativo entre…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2004

Southern Africa is particularly susceptible to climate variability and drought and is increasingly being threatened by desertification processes, degradation of land and water resources and loss of biodiversity. Although rainfed farming is a high-risk enterprise, it is also a way of life and…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2004

The Global Forest Resources Assessment Update 2005 was specially mandated by the Committee on Forestry (COFO) during its meeting in 2003, where member countries endorsed recommendations from an Expert Consultation held in the Kotka, Finland in 2002 (Kotka IV). For this purpose, all countries…

Reports & Research
November 2004

Two important resolutions for women were adopted by the United Nations last year. One was the UNHABITAT Resolution on “Women's Role and Rights in Human Settlements Development and Slum Upgrading” and the other was the Commission on Human Rights Resolution on “Women's Equal…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2004

Ce document analyse les études de cas de projets qui font appel à une approche fondée sur les moyens d’existence durables ou des principes fondés sur des moyens d’existence durables et dans lesquels on peut mesurer les effets de la réduction de la pauvreté. Ce document n’est pas une étude…

Reports & Research
November 2004

This study was requested by the Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA), through the National Directorate of Territorial Planning (DINAPOT) in conjunction with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT); for this purpose, the team of the Cruzeiro do Sul –…

Reports & Research
November 2004

Este estudo foi solicitado pelo Ministério para a Coordenação da Acção Ambiental, através da Direcção Nacional de Planeamento e Ordenamento Territorial em conjunto com a Agência HABITAT das Nações Unidas, para a sua realização a equipa do Cruzeiro do Sul – Instituto de Investigação para o…

Reports & Research
November 2004

Presentation of 5 brief case studies of what Oxfam actually did with regards land in post-conflict situations in Africa, in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Rwanda and Angola, concluding with the common themes, conclusions and lessons that emerged from the case studies. Also includes a…

Journal Articles & Books
August 2004

In recent years, local people and rural communities have assumed increasing prominence in strategies for natural resource management.This paper briefly reviews some of the central legal issues that are associated with this shift. In doing so, its goals are limited. It does not ad dress…