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Showing items 6742 through 6750 of 73567.This Act amends the Lands Acquisition Act in the Long Title and in provisions concerning, among other things, the power of the Minister to acquire land for public utility and relating preliminary investigation and other procedures, (assessment of) appropriate compensation, criteria for assessment
This Act provides for the power of the Minister to acquire land for public purposes and related matters.
This Act amends the Local Government Act in provisions concerning land matters consequential upon the enactment of the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act 2016 and the Land Act 2016.
This Order contains the application form and the list of documentation for the acknowledgement of status of self-regulatory organization in the sphere of land-survey by public authority.
L’objectif du Plan d’action national pour l’environnement est de promouvoir une gestion globale et rationnelle de l'environnement en vue d'améliorer le cadre et les conditions de vie des populations dans la perspective d'un développement durable.
La Stratégie de Développement de la Tunisie Nouvelle est un instrument stratégique multi-sectoriel à portée nationale qui a pour but de faire face aux problématiques de développement existantes et aux déséquilibres structurels ainsi que la consécration des aspirations et des revendications légiti
This Act continues District Courts established under the repealed Act as subordinate Courts of record, and those courts shall be constituted, empowered, administered and staffed in accordance with this Act.
This Law is composed of 58 articles divided in five Chapters. It regulates the use of urban property with the view of granting the public interest, the well being of the population and environmental equilibrium.
Le présent décret fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Direction générale de l’Administration des Biens de l’Etat.
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