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Showing items 19 through 27 of 73845.La presente Ley tiene como objetivos: 1) armonizar y actualizar las disposiciones contenidas en la Ley Nº 9 de 1989 con las nuevas normas establecidas en la Constitución Política, la Ley Orgánica del Plan de Desarrollo, la Ley Orgánica de Areas Metropolitanas y la Ley por la que se crea el Sistem
This Law provides for the leasing of public agricultural and forest land. It consists of 18 articles establishing the procedures for leasing of such lands to citizens and contains rules relative to the lease and the conditions attached to lease including obligations of the lessee.
This Law shall regulate protection and state management of protection of immovable cultural properties, located within the territory and territorial waters of the Republic of Lithuania, and according to right of ownership, belonging to the state, local governments, religious organizations and oth
The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 is hereby repealed.
This Law shall regulate the procedure and conditions of the restoration as well as the recognition of continuity of the restoration of the rights of ownership to the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania to the real property which was nationalised under the laws of the USSR (Lithuanian SSR), or w
La Ley, que consta de 9 artículos, tiene por objeto establecer un régimen jurídico especial, que permita ejecutar en formar ágil el Programa de Transferencia de Tierras, cuya ejecución se le ha encomendado al Banco de Tierras y al Instituto Salvadoreño de Transformación Agraria.
La Ley, que consta de 7 artículos, tiene por objeto establecer las medidas para la ejecución del Programa de Transferencia de Tierras, de conformidad con los Acuerdos de Paz, en especial con lo acordado a este respecto en el mes de octubre de 1992 y en la actualidad con el calendario de mayo de 1
This Law makes provision for the payment of the use of land in the form of land tax and lease fees. The rates of land tax are established in article 2. Land tax shall be established on cadastrial documentation and be imposed on land users who are manufacturing agricultural products.
This Act establishes principles for the development, management and preservation of agricultural activities (defined in Part II) in Laos.
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