GIN is an interactive meeting place and is an open knowledge network for everyone who is professionally involved with geographic information. GIN organizes activities and encourages and facilitates sharing and transferring knowledge of its members in development of all members and to strengthen the position of the field of geo-information in society.
The subsequent strategic goals are:
• Creating an accessible and connected network within geo-users
• to provide an interactive knowledge platform
• increasing the relevance geo-information in the ‘outside world’
GIN wants to achieve this by:
• organizing conferences, lectures, symposiums, excursions and other meetings;
• publishing the subject-oriented magazine Geo-Info, maintaining the website www.geo-info.nl and the promotion of publications
aimed at both interested parties outside its own members as within its own members;
• establishing and maintaining an interactive knowledge platform for all geo-users;
• initiating and stimulating - and participate in - consultation between government, companies and (educational) institutions;
• organize, represent, activate and support its members in the study and in the promotion and use of geo-information;
• maintaining partnerships with other organizations, both nationally and internationally.