Displaying 56 - 60 of 69Regulation 37/2001 amending the Conservation Agreement Forms Regulation (Man. Reg. 149/98).
The present Regulation introduces some amendments to the Conservation Agreement Forms Regulation 149/98. In particular, it rewords section 1 dealing with the Schedules. Furthermore, the title of Schedule A is replaced.
Amends: Conservation Agreement Forms Regulation (Man. Reg.149/98). (2007)
Family Farm Protection Amendment and Farm Lands Ownership Amendment Act (Chapter 13).
The present Act introduces some amendments to the Farm Lands Ownership Act. In particular, it amends section 6 by striking out "vice-chairman" substitutin it with "vice-chair". Furthermore, it amends section 13 dealing with protection from liability.
Amends: Farm Lands Ownership Act (C.C.S.M. c. F.35). (2015)
Heritage Resources Act (C.C.S.M. c. H39.1).
The present Act establishes an appointed body, the Manitoba Heritage Council. The Council advises and makes recommendation to the Minister of Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism on provincial commemoration and legal protection of sites and structures. Council members represent various regions of Manitoba, have heritage expertise and make recommendations on proposals by applying standard assessment criteria to ensure consistent and objective decision-making.
Surface Rights Act (C.C.S.M. c. S235).
This Act concerns surface rights and their administration in Manitoba.
Conservation Agreements Act (C.C.S.M.c.C173).
Under this Act, a conservation agreement is written agreement between a landowner and a holder that creates a conservation interest in land, a conservation interest is an interest that imposes one or more restrictions on the use of land for the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems, wildlife and fisheries habitat and plant or animal species. The Act prescribes the terms of conservation agreements and provides for registration of agreements as well as for the solution of disputes that may arise on the implementation of agreements.