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Issues agricultor related Blog post
There are 4, 348 content items of different types and languages related to agricultor on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 27

Liberação de OGM'S em Moçambique?

10 Maio 2024
Ja Justiça Ambiental

Em meados do mês passado, fomos surpreendidos com várias notícias de que o Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM) está pronto a avançar com a liberalização de variedades de milho geneticamente modificado, faltando apenas a autorização da Autoridade Nacional de Biossegurança de Moçambique.


Land rights for small producers: a critical solution to the world's food systems

16 Julho 2021
Dr. Agnes M. Kalibata

Our food systems are in urgent need of transformation, as humanity faces one of our biggest challenges yet; feeding a future population of 10 billion people with safe and nutritious food while keeping a healthy planet. Our food system has the power to tip the scales and transform the future of our planet and humankind.

RVO and FAO Round Table on Land Consolidation in the Arab World: Experiences from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia

30 Março 2021
Gemma Betsema

What are the state-of-the-art and new approaches to land consolidation as part of integrated rural development strategies in North Africa and Near East? That was the main question around which several experts from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Turkey joined the FAO/ RVO roundtable discussion on land consolidation during the Second Arab Land Conference last February; a session which 110 participants attended – both in person and online.

Land and compensation in Zimbabwe: frequently asked questions

23 Novembro 2020
Ian Scoones

The debate about compensation of former white farmers in Zimbabwe continues to rage. The compensation agreement signed in July agreed a total amount of US$3.5 billion to pay for ‘improvements’ to the land that was expropriated. After 20 years of discussion, this was a major step forward. However, there seem to be multiple positions on the agreement and little consensus, along with much misunderstanding. However, some things are happening, and a joint resource mobilisation committee has been established with technical support from the World Bank and others.

Land rights for cocoa farmers aren’t just good stewardship, they’re smart business

05 Novembro 2019
Yuliya Panfil

Last week the World Cocoa Foundation, a membership organization of more than 100 cocoa companies, held its annual partnership meeting in Berlin, Germany. The aim of the meeting is for governments, cocoa companies and farmers to identify and tackle the sector’s largest sustainability challenges. A 90-minute session was devoted to the topic of land tenure. The prominence of the session, as well as the seniority of the presenters – the Head of Sustainable Sourcing for Hershey’s and the Deputy Director General of Cote d’Ivoire’s Land Agency among them – is a powerful signaling effect.

Sem ouvir o povo, Projeto de Lei 3601 abre espaço para privatização de terras públicas e devolutas em Minas Gerais: injustiça agrária e urbana!

12 Dezembro 2018
Gilvander Moreira

De autoria do Deputado Luiz Tadeu Martins Leite (Tadeuzinho), do MDB, o Projeto de Lei 3601/2016 trata das terras públicas e devolutas estaduais, já passou por três comissões e está prestes a ser aprovado pela Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais (ALMG).

We want peasants

26 Setembro 2018
Olivier De Schutter

This week in Geneva, the Human Rights Council is expected to take a position on the follow-up to a draft Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. Five years after the start of the negotiations, we are at a turning point.