10 Years Of VGGT – Time To Take Stock
This blog was written by Anna Schreiber and originally posted through Land for Life at https://land-for-life.org/10-years-of-vggt-time-to-take-stock/
This blog was written by Anna Schreiber and originally posted through Land for Life at https://land-for-life.org/10-years-of-vggt-time-to-take-stock/
Abraço ao Cemitério do Povo Negro escravizado, em Santa Luzia, MG. Foto: Alenice Baeta
Uma família caminha pelo bairro de Didilandia, na costa de Bilwi, capital da Região Autônoma da Costa Caribe Norte da Nicarágua, em 22 de novembro de 2020. Essa área foi uma das mais afetadas pelo furacão Iota. Carlos Herrera.
Por Lorena Arroyo e Jorge Galindo
Cidade do México e Bogotá
Mais de 17 milhões de latino-americanos correm o risco de ser deslocados pelos efeitos da mudança climática até 2050, o equivalente a toda a população do Equador, segundo um relatório do Banco Mundial
Foto: Jorge Nogueira
Numa altura em que os saharauis, cansados de esperar pelo direito internacional e as promessas das Nações Unidas, voltam a pegar em armas, recordo a última vez que estive com um povo deixado no meio do deserto a quem roubaram a terra.
Por Nuno Ramos de Almeida
There is an immense pressure on land in Uganda. The country has a rapidly growing population and is host to the world’s third largest refugee population. Particularly poor people struggle to get access to healthy food. Agriculture practices need to become more efficient and focused on the domestic market. The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Uganda works to improve food security in selected areas in the country. Among several food security projects, the EKN works with the LAND-at-scale program to improve land governance.
Our food systems are in urgent need of transformation, as humanity faces one of our biggest challenges yet; feeding a future population of 10 billion people with safe and nutritious food while keeping a healthy planet. Our food system has the power to tip the scales and transform the future of our planet and humankind.
Membros da comunidade Mayangna de Wina denunciaram à CALPI que ontem, 5 de julho de 2021, às 19h20, foram feridos indígenas membros da comunidade de Wina identificados como Abelardo Landero Lopez, de 42 anos de idade, e sua cunhada Sra. Aura Lila Perez, de 32 anos de idade. Os atacantes eram seis colonos armados, não-indígenas, que cobriam seus rostos com balaclavas.
The main objective of the LAND-at-scale program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale. An ambitious objective, that cannot be achieved in isolation. Alignment is, therefore, a key factor in all LAND-at-scale activities - be it at project level for our country interventions or through our collaborative approach to knowledge management.
This session zoomed in on the local situation and challenges faced by grassroots communities and women in some low-Income countries. It provided an overview of support provided by Civil Society organizations (and governments) facilitating communities, women in particular, to step up the efforts to strengthen their land rights and to generate resilience in face of the climate and COVID-19 challenges they are facing.
More secure land tenure provides much better opportunities to face climate and COVID-19 challenges by investing in high biodiversity local food & income systems.
O planeta é um organismo vivo, governado pela lógica de privatização e acúmulo. Para que seja para todos, é preciso governança policêntrica e ecológica. Das luta pela água e terra à criação de hortas comunitárias, há meios para alcançá-la.
COVID-19 may have forced the 50th anniversary of Earth Day to be commemorated online last year, yet millions of people participated in calls to action. As we begin to look beyond the pandemic, however, it's vital to remember that we cannot go back to business-as-usual as far as our planet is concerned.
O incêndio criminoso está devastando um território há muito disputado por comunidades indígenas e indústrias extrativistas.
Por Saskia Fischer e Manuela Zechner