LANDac Summer School 2019: Land governance for development
Large-scale acquisition of land in the global South has received a great deal of interest in the last few years. Especially following the food crisis, and stimulated by the growing demand for biofuels, pressure on land continues to increase.
IV Seminário de Boas Práticas em Planejamento e Governança Pública: Segurança Alimentar e Inteligência Territorial
Committee on World Food Security (CFS 46)
CFS 46 is from 14 – 18 October 2019 at FAO, Rome, Italy and will be the first major global meeting on food security and nutrition after the High Level Political Forum SDG Summit in New York in September 2019. The SDGs will be the theme of the week with a particular focus on ways to accelerate SDG 2 – zero hunger.
Lançamento de Livro e Debate sobre Estrangeirização de Terras.
IV Encontro Latinoamericano de Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana
Semana do Clima reúne representantes de 26 países em Salvador; veja programação
II Encontro Regional de Estudos Agroambientais
Seminário Agroecologia, Campesinato, Soberania e Segurança Alimentar
15-18h Roda de Diálogos
Desafios da Agroecologia no Combate a Fome no Brasil Atual
Ita Porto - Diaconia
Islândia Bezerra - UFRPE - ABA Agroecologia
Mediação - Zênia Tavares (UFRPE)
9-12h Diálogos de Agroecologia