Institute for Food and Development Policy
Food First, also known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy, is a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, USA.
Food First, also known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy, is a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, USA.
United and transformed agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector that ensures food security for all and economic prosperity.
Advancing food security and transformation of the sector through innovative, inclusive and sustainable policies, legislation and programmes.
NNFU is a national federation of regional farmers unions. It was established in June 1992 to serve as a mouthpiece for Namibian communal and emerging farmers. Twelve regional farmers unions are currently affiliated. NNFU is registered as 'An association not for Gain' in accordance with the provisions of section 21 of the Company Act, Act N 61 of 1973. Official registration number 21/98/529.
The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) is the gateway to knowledge for Food and Nutrition Security. We act as knowledge brokers, connecting people and networks in business, science, civil society and policy to (co-)create, exchange and use knowledge for inclusive and ecologically sustainable food systems.
The F&BKP is an independent, open platform. We have no members, but we welcome partners. Organizations and networks from around the world participate in and are supported by the activities of the Platform.
The Drylands Coordination Group (DCG) is a network for capacity building through exchange of practical experience and appropriate knowledge on food security in the drylands of Africa. The DCG networks in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, and Sudan consist of NGOs as well as research institutions and governmental structures. DCG Norway administers funds from Norad to research projects and from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to information and policy work linked to the UNCCD and dryland challenges.
A Acção Académica para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais (ADECRU) é uma organização da sociedade civil fundada em Outubro de 2007 por jovens estudantes universitários, numa acção mobilizadora entre os seus membros e os demais, constituindo-se como uma pessoa colectiva e de direito privado, dotada de uma personalidade jurídica e sem fins lucrativos, cujo objectivo é impulsionar os focos da consciência cidadã e a agenda de desenvolvimento local, promovendo maior envolvimento e interacção entre os vários actores nacionais e internacionais em prol do desenvolvimento d
The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) is an autonomous and self-organised global platform of small-scale food producers and rural workers organizations and grass root/community based social movements to advance the Food Sovereignty agenda at the global and regional level.
More than 6000 organizations and 300 millions of small-scale food producers self organize themselves through the IPC, sharing the Food Sovereignty principles as outlined in the Nyeleni 2007 Declaration* (paragraph) + 6 pillars of the synthesis report.
The Solidaridad Network is an international civil society organisation founded in 1969. Its main objective is facilitating the development of socially responsible, ecologically sound and profitable supply chains. It operates through nine regional expertise centers in over 50 countries. Solidaridad seeks to transform production practices to promote fair and profitable livelihoods and business opportunities, decent working conditions and a fair living wage. Solidaridad without depleting the landscapes where people live and thrive.
RELUFA works in Cameroon with local communities through Capacity buildings, Conducting Studies and restitution of recommendations to stakeholders, Mobilization of affected local communities and CSOs.
RELUFA has as mission to combat systemic problems generating poverty, hunger and economic, social and environment injustices. This is done through two programs : Extractive Industries, Land and Food Justice
In this program, RELUFA has identified as objectives:
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the principal in-house research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). ARS is one of four agencies in USDA's Research, Education and Economics mission area. ARS is charged with extending the nation's scientific knowledge and solving agricultural problems through its four national program areas: nutrition, food safety and quality; animal production and protection; natural resources and sustainable agricultural systems; and crop production and protection.