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Minerals Act.


“Minerals" is defined in section 2. It shall include gas and petroleum but not clay, coral, lime, sand, or other stone or such other common mineral substances as the Prime Minister may by notice in the Gazette declare not to be minerals for the purpose of this Act. Section 3 formulates a reservation to the Crown of all minerals. Exploration licences which allow the holder to enter upon land, whether private or public to explore for mineral resources, may be granted by His majesty in Council under section 5.

Petroleum Mining Act.


Section 3 prescribes that no person shall explore, prospect or mine for petroleum except by virtue of an exploration licence or a petroleum agreement issued or entered into the provisions of this Act. Any person desirous of exploring, prospecting or mining for petroleum may apply to His Majesty in Council for an exploration licence or a petroleum agreement in respect of any area of land. Section 5 sets out the manner in which application may be made. His Majesty in Council may issue in respect of the same area of land more than one exploration licence.

Land (Amendment) Act (No 23 of 1991).


A new Part (VIA) on easements is inserted. An "easement" is defined in section 112A as "a right annexed to land to utilise other land of different ownership in a particular manner (not involving the taking of any part of the natural produce of that land or of that land or of any part of its soil) or to prevent the owner of the other land from utilising his land in a particular manner". The same section declares the following rights of easements permissible: (a) right of way; (b) right to convey water; (c) right to drain water; (d) right to drain sewage.

Ley Nº 113 - Régimen de colonización y tierras fiscales.

América do Sul

La presente Ley introduce el régimen normativo de colonización y tierras fiscales, introduciendo reglas en tema de dominio privado provincial (arts. 1º y 2º), expropiaciones (arts. 3º-13), reservas forestales (arts. 14 y 15), ya sea con relación a tierras rurales que urbanas.La tierra rural será subdividida de manera tal que cada parcela, adecuadamente trabajada, constituya una unidad económica de explotación, agrícola, ganadera, mixta, granjera o especial, para la zona de su ubicación (art. 20).

Land Act No. 9/04.

África Central

This Law, composed of 89 articles divided in 5 chapters, regulates the general principles on land rights. In particular, the Law rules on: property rights, rural community rights, natural resources’ use and protection measures, land expropriation, land concession, territorial planning, land classification, and registration procedures.

Arrêté du 23 mai 2004 portant délimitation des perimètres des terres du domaine forestier national destinées à la mise en valeur dans la wilaya d’El Bayadh.

Norte de África

Le présent arrêté porte délimitation des perimètres des terres du domaine forestier national destinées à la mise en valeur dans la wilaya d’El Bayadh.

Met en oeuvre: Décret exécutif nº 01-87 fixant les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts. (2001-04-05)

Décret exécutif nº 01-87 fixant les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts.

Norte de África

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts. L'autorisation d'usage est accordée pour une durée déterminée sur des parcelles délimitées, compatiblement avec la nature des activités de mise en valeur qui y seront mise en oeuvre, et notamment, les activités d'élevage (pépinière, petit élevage, élevage cynégétique), la création de vergers arboricoles et la plantation forestière.

Land Code (No.185 of 2001).

Sudoeste Asiático

Land Code defines the basic directions of State regulatory system improvement concerning land relations, development of various organizational and legal forms of land economy, fertility of land, improvement of land use efficiency, protection and improvement of the environment – favourable for human life and health, and the legal framework concerning the protection of the land rights. Ownership, use and disposition of land must not damage the environment, security and defensibility of the State; must not violate rights and legally defined interests of citizens and other entities.

Decree No. 181/2004/ND-CP on the implementation of the Land Law.

Sudeste Asiático

This Decree prescribes the implementation of the Land Law of 2003. It deals with the following matters: land price-determining methods, price brackets for assorted land categories; land use levy and land rent collection; compensation, support, resettlement when the State recovers land for use of defence or security purposes, for national interests, public interests, economic development; land inspection; sanctioning of administrative violations.

Prescription Act.

América Central

The Act makes provision for prescription in respect of claims relative to water or land pursuant to common law by custom, prescription or grant.

Pomona Village Land Reservation Regulations.

América Central

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Pomona Indian Reserve. So long as sufficient land is available any person who is cultivating land in the vicinity and who wishes to occupy a plot of land in the Reserve may do so and may build his house thereon, by the written permission of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys. The Commissioner of Lands and Surveys shall have power to refuse to permit any person to occupy a plot of land in the Reserve, and may, subject to the provisions of rule 10 of these Rules, withdraw any permission which may be given.