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Ministerial Decree No. 1172 validating the Regulation on determining and mapping coastlines.

Ásia Central

This Ministerial Decree sets forth the modalities for the accurate determination and mapping of the effective position of coastlines. The crossline between the surface of surface waterbodies (seas, lakes, rivers, ponds and water reservoirs) and the surface of dry land shall be established depending upon the determined water edge. Effective position of sea coastline shall be established at the maximum level of high tide and in the absence of such phenomenon in accordance with the surf line.

Decree-Law No. 129/2008 regulating river estuaries’ land management plans (POE).

Europa meridional

This Decree-Law is composed of 12 articles and two annexes. It rules on the land management plans of river estuaries (POE). In particular, it defines the scope of application of POEs, mainly aimed at protecting the water and ecosystems through an integrated management. POEs shall be defined their respective Hydrographic Regional Administrations. The Annex lists the estuaries that shall adopt POEs.

Public Lands and Resources (Reclamation Amendment) Act 2008 (P.L.2008-2).

Marshall, Ilhas

This Act amends the Public Lands and Resources Act by; giving definitions of “Adjoining lands”, “Land-fill”, "Lands reclaimed from marine areas below the ordinary high water mark" or "reclaimed lands", "Marine areas below the ordinary high water mark" and "Ordinary high water mark"; and inserts a new section (105) for purposes of confirming ownership of newly constituted lands by the owners of adjoining lands.

Amends: Public Lands and Resources Act. (2006-08-02)

Décret nº 2004-106 relatif au transfert des attributions de l'ex-ministre de l'environnement et de l'aménagement du territoire relatives au littoral et au domaine public maritime au ministre de l'équipemnt, de l'habitat et de l'aménagement du territoire.

Norte de África

Le présent décret porte transfert des attributions de l'ex-ministre de l'environnement et de l'aménagement du territoire relatives au littoral et au domaine public maritime au ministre de l'équipemnt, de l'habitat et de l'aménagement du territoire.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-72 portant création d'une agence de protection et d'aménagement du littoral. (1995-07-24)
Abrogé par: Décret nº 2005-2933 fixant les attributions du ministère de l'environnement et du développement durable. (2005-11-01)

Marine Management Organisation (Prescription of Powers to Fix Fees and Charges) Order 2010 (S.I. No. 603 of 2010).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Order sets out, in the Schedule, powers of the Secretary of State to fix a fee or charge prescribed for the purposes of section 17 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Implements: Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (Cap. 23). (2009-12-11)

Resolución Nº 58 - Área de amortiguamiento para los predios colindantes con la zona marino costera dentro de las áreas declaradas de regularización y titulación masiva de tierras.

América Central

La presente Resolución define el área de amortiguamiento para los predios colindantes con la zona marino costera dentro de las áreas declaradas de regularización y titulación masiva de tierras por el Programa Nacional de Administración de Tierras (PRONAT).

Implementa: Decreto Nº 228 - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 24, que declara de interés social las actividades de regularización y titulación masiva de tierra. (2006-09-27)

Land and Marine Management Strategy for Grenada.

National Policies

The Land and Marine Management Strategy for Grenada is a national strategy adopted by the Government of Grenada in 2011 to guide the management of the land and marine sector. The overall goal of the Strategy is to achieve integrated national development that is environmentally sustainable. The instrument seeks to develop a coherent framework with an appropriate set of strategies that will foster productive and optimal utilization of land, freshwater, coastal and marine resources in an environmental sustainable manner.

Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948.


The construction, operation and maintenance of works for the removal of obstructions, improvement of rivers and foreshores and the prevention of erosion of lands by tidal and non-tidal waters shall be approved by the Marine Ministerial Holding Corporation and carried out by the Constructing Authority. For the purpose of constructing works for the improvement of rivers and foreshores, any lands may be constituted as River and/or Foreshore Improvement Districts by the Ministerial Corporation.

Coast Protection Act, 1949 (Cap. 74).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Act provides for measures against erosion and encroachment of the coast of Great Britain by the sea. Part I of this Act provides for the protection of the coast. In sections 1 to 3 it provides for the administration relative to coast protection. It appoints the council of each maritime county, borough or county district as coast protection authority for its territory. Section 2 concerns the constitution of coast protection boards for areas to be specified by the Minister. Section 3 provides for joint committees of coast protection authorities.

Regulation on the detailed plan to reduce flood risk.

Europa meridional

This Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 17 articles and two Annexes, sets out the content and method of preparing the detailed plan to reduce flood risk, which includes the timetable for preparing the plan and its various content. The aim of preparing plan to reduce flood risks is to reduce harmful effects of floods on human health, environment, cultural heritage and economic activity in areas of significant impact of flooding and associated erosion.

Strategic Plan for Environment and Development.

National Policies
Europa meridional

This document lays down the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development (SPED), which was adopted by Malta following the introduction of Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning. The SPED provides the spatial framework that supports the development of an integrated maritime policy at a national level.